[Closed] animate line with its vertex?
I just want to animate a line wiht its vertex use the position value
huh… I would have simply suggested ‘with animate on at time T ( setKnotPiont shapeObj splineIndex knotIndex )’, but apparenty that doesn’t create any keyframes.
You’d have to manipulate the positions of the knots directly via the subanims, I would guess… must be an easier way though
No there is no easier way… that I know of…
theSpline = splineShape name:(uniqueName #MySpline) wirecolor:orange -- create a base spline
addNewSpline theSpline -- add a spline
for i = 1 to 10 do
addKnot theSpline 1 #smooth #curve [random (-10*i) (10*i),random (-10*i) (10*i),random (-10*i) (10*i)] -- add some knots
updateShape theSpline -- Now draw the shape in the viewport
animateVertex theSpline #all -- gives point3 controllers to all verts, very important!!!
kc = numKnots theSpline
for i = animationRange.start.frame as integer to animationRange.end.frame as integer by 10 do ( -- loop over the timeRange
theTrack = theSpline[4][8] -- this is the masterblock controller where all point3 controllers live
local count = 1
for k = 1 to kc do -- loop through knots
theTrackIndex = 3 * ( count - 1 ) + 2 -- this subcontroller, every third controller, starting from 2
theKey = addNewKey theTrack[theTrackIndex].controller i -- set key on time i
theKey.value = [random (-1*i) (1*i),random (-1*i) (1*i),random (-1*i) (1*i)] -- Set the value!
count += 1
) -- end for k
) -- end i
Basic steps, make sure animateVertex spline #all is being run and then loop over the masterblock subcontrollers every third controller starting from 2 adding keyframes.
Hope this helps,
JHN, I run your code in max 8,the result is as follow:
$Editable_Spline:MySpline05 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
but I get nothing in the viewport
what’s wrong with that?
Maybe you’re hiding spline shapes? Try shift+s… it’s a long shot, I know…
I should work, I’m pretty certain it’s doesn’t have “new” code in it, but I’m on 2009 so I cannot check it in 8…
Maybe someone else can test it.
If only it were that simple :\
theSpline = $
$Line:Line01 @ [40.000000,-0.000002,50.000000]
animateVertex theSpline #all
theTrack = theSpline[4][8]
theTrackIndex = 3 * (1 - 1) + 2
theKey = addNewKey theTrack[theTrackIndex].controller 10
#Bezier Point3 key(1 @ 10f)
theKey.value = [10,0,0]
updateShape theSpline
numKnots theSpline
getKnotPoint theSpline 1 1
getKnotPoint theSpline 1 2
The knot positions are in local coordinate space (simple multiplication by (inverse theSpline.transform) fixes that). And then there’s the tangent handles (if any) :\
JHN , today I have your code run, but the result was not what I expected ,what I want is to move the point of the curve , and then the whole line will get a deformation , well ,when curve points selected then the listener will record :subobjectLevel = 1
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject
deselect $.baseObject.points
select $.baseObject.points[]
uh,I want to use the points record the deformation to make an animation
today I read the helps and find some code that seem like as I wanted but some different
on execute do
new_z = $.pos.z
for s = 1 to (numSplines $) do
for k = 1 to (numKnots $ s) do
knt = getKnotPoint $ s k
in_vec = getInVec $ s k
out_vec = getOutVec $ s k
knt.z = in_vec.z = out_vec.z = new_z
setInVec $ s k in_vec
setOutVec $ s k out_vec
setKnotPoint $ s k knt
)--end k loop
)--end s loop
updateshape $
)--end execute
all I want to do is change the xyz value by output value ,and anyone have ideas or suggestion? thanks
You could approach this differently and add a splineIK modifier to the spline and use script to move the pointhelpers around. I couldn’t see a method to create the helpers via script, although Rich will be able to figure that out how to press the button on the UI.
The modifier then has a .helper_list property which is a node array of the points that you could cycle through and transform however you liked. Gets you out of the realms of sub-object transforms, and means you can set keyframes that you can edit easilly.