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[Closed] anchor rectangle in the viewfinder
Aug 17, 2010 3:36 pm
hi, first excuse my english. This is my doubt about Maxscript
I’m trying to anchor a rectangle to the viewfinder, always look ahead. how the manipulator “slider”.
Where do I start?
2 Replies
1 Reply
I hope this sample will help:
with redraw off
callbacks.removeScripts id:#camFace
delete objects
global cameraFaced
fn cameraFaced node: = if isvalidnode node do
ntm = node.transform
vtm = getViewTM()
node.transform = translate (rotate (scalematrix ntm.scale) (inverse vtm.rotation)) ntm.pos
global myText = text name:"myText" isselected:on
cameraFaced node:myText
callbacks.addScript #viewportChange "cameraFaced node:myText" id:#camFace