[Closed] allign $box* to object.position
HI,After a couple attempts I could’nt find this out.I want to link box_001 to takebox_001 only if it is in the same positionorbox_002 to takebox_001 only if it is in the same position and so on
something like this?? select $box**if $takebox.position = $box*.position do( select $boxmax linkselect $box_001$.parent = $takebox)
I could’nt find out how to get a position from $box in array
and then *search for a object in that array with the same position as the takebox
Kind regards
Position is part of an object’s transformation matrix.
$Box.transform.position = $TakeBox.transform.positon
$Box.parent = $TakeBox
Hi Dave, Yes I figured out how to make it work
Bx = $Box* in array*for i = 1 to Bx.count doif Bx[i].transform.position == $TakeBox.transform.position do(select Bx[i]*Bx[i].parent = $TakeBox )this way it only takes the object if they are on the same position.
Thanks DaveWortley