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[Closed] again new user
May 26, 2004 7:39 pm
hi all sorry for my jummping to this thread:blush:
i know always new user are like children
but if any one can help me i want to learn maxscript dose any resource for it is avilable ??if is i will be thanks u post the link or any other thing
3 Replies
May 26, 2004 7:39 pm
Did you notice the MAXSCRIPT RESOURCES sticky topic in this forum? It’s got some links to tutorials, and lots of places to go to check out existing scripts.
May 26, 2004 7:39 pm
3ds max’s maxscript ref. is the best, but you need some programming skils and also some study about CG. Also there is only one book about maxscript( as far as i know). Maxscript is easy if you are familier with at least one programming language
(like VB, or C++ …) then you will understand how it works. but you can learn from ref. also, as i said.