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[Closed] AearonSetup Help

hey all,

Im trying to conform all of my scripts to work with AearonSetup and seem to have run in to a snaffoo.

if my script is simple during the macro script creation it works fine, but when it get more complicated i get an error saying format doesnt have enough arguments.

here are some snippets of the script i am using in my startup folder:

  category = "my Tools"
  toolTip = "Render shots for review"
  Icon = #("Cameras", 3)
  --start macro
  Global rendCam
  Global mat
  Global pathLoc
  Global objNm = ""
  global texture
  global filePath 
  if renderRollFloat != undefined then
  	closeRolloutFloater renderRollFloat
  fn renderVar SF EF fpath=
  	local origSel =#()
  		-- checking render stuffs
  	messagebox "Nothing Selected"
  rollout rTextRoll "Render Textures" height:300 width:300
  	edittext sFrame "" text:"0" pos:[40,35] width:50  align:#left
  	edittext eFrame "" text:"0" pos:[40,55] width:50  align:#left
  	groupBox group1 "Start\End Frames" pos:[15,10]  width:110 height:75
  	button btn2 "Render Scene" pos:[150,35]		
  	label lbl1 "Render Output Directory" pos:[10,100]
  	edittext txt1 "" text:maxfilepath width:250 across:1 align:#left
  	button btn1 "Browse" width:75		
  	on btn1 pressed do
  		filePath = getSavePath "Search Directory" initialDir:maxFilePath
  		if filePath != undefined do
  				txt1.text = filePath
  	on btn2 pressed do
  		renderVar (sFrame.text as integer) (eFrame.text as integer) filePath
  renderRollFloat = newRolloutFloater "Render Texture Variations" 300 200
  addRollout rTextRoll renderRollFloat

i have been banging my head against the wall for a little while now trying to figure this out… any help is much appreciated.

1 Reply

enclose it in ( parens ) after you name/tag the script in the comments, and don’t forget to add a newline at the end of the script

And to find out what script is causing the problems and where, open up the aeronsetup_main and run script that to manually update, and it’ll throw an error and open the the offending script to the right place ~!@ (instead of silent “it didn’t work” if updating automaticaly via startup)