I don’t know what VRay Scatter does. I presume it’s more sophisticated than this. But this’ll merge in a file from a small asset library. Note you’ll need to create your own scene library following the included examples. Also note this will crash if you don’t have a C: est\etc
Ok. I added a button which parses a directory full of directories… which is full of scenes and thumbnails (100×100 pixels)
Or you can hard code in your libraries as before:
-- Basic Asset Manager by Gavin Greenwalt --
---- Straightface Studios :| Seattle, WA ----
---------- version 2.0 kind of --------------
Global AssetManager, ScenesDialog
Struct AssetManagerStruct (Categories=#(), Scenes=#())
Struct SceneStruct (ID, CategoryID, Name,Path,Thumbnail)
Struct CategoryStruct (ID,Name)
try(destroydialog AssetManagerDialog)catch()
AssetManager = AssetManagerStruct()
AssetManager.Categories = #(
--- Template Categories ---
-- CategoryStruct ID:1 Name:"Category One",
-- CategoryStruct ID:2 Name:"Category Two"
--- End Template Categories --
AssetManager.Scenes = #(
--- Template Scenes ---
-- SceneStruct ID:1 CategoryID:1 Name:"Box One" path:"C:\ est\\Box_01.max" Thumbnail:"C:\ est\\Box_01.jpg",
-- SceneStruct ID:2 CategoryID:2 Name:"Box One" path:"C:\ est\\Box_01.max" Thumbnail:"C:\ est\\Box_01.jpg"
--- End Template Scenes --
Rollout AssetManagerDialog "Manage Your Assets" width:450 height:400
fn QuadifyString stringvar =
stringvar = filterstring stringvar "\\"
assembly = ""
for i =1 to stringvar.count - 1 do
append assembly (stringvar[i]+"[\\\\\\\\]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/ )")
append assembly stringvar[stringvar.count]
DropDownList CategoryDropDown "Categories:" across:2
Button CustomLibraryButton "Load New Library From Path" height:40 offset:[0,5]
subrollout ScenesSubrollout "Scenes" width:440 height:335
on AssetManagerDialog open do
CategoryDropDown.items = #("")
CategoryDropDown.items = (join CategoryDropDown.items (for o in AssetManager.Categories collect o.name))
on CustomLibraryButton pressed do
thumbnailtypes = #(".jpg",".tif",".png",".bmp")
newpath = getsavepath()
newcats = getdirectories (newpath+"\\*")
AssetManager.Categories = #()
AssetManager.Scenes = #()
for i = 1 to newcats.count do
catname = (filterstring newcats[i] "\\")
catname = catname[catname.count]
append AssetManager.Categories (CategoryStruct ID:i Name:catName)
scenes = getfiles (newcats[i]+"*")
maxfiles = (for o in scenes where (getfilenametype o == ".max") collect o)
thumbnails = (for o in scenes where (finditem thumbnailtypes (getfilenametype o)) != 0 collect o)
for o in maxfiles do
idval = (AssetManager.Scenes.count + 1)
scenename = getfilenamefile o
thumb = (for t in thumbnails where (matchpattern (getfilenamefile t) pattern:(getfilenamefile o)) collect t)[1]
append AssetManager.Scenes (SceneStruct ID:idval CategoryID:i Name:scenename path:o Thumbnail:thumb)
CategoryDropDown.items = #("")
CategoryDropDown.items = (join CategoryDropDown.items (for o in AssetManager.Categories collect o.name))
try(removeSubRollout AssetManagerDialog.ScenesSubRollout ScenesDialog)catch()
on CategoryDropDown selected s do
s -= 1
try(removeSubRollout AssetManagerDialog.ScenesSubRollout ScenesDialog)catch()
ScenesString = "" as stringstream
format "Rollout ScenesDialog \"Assets\" (
" to:ScenesString
scenes = for o in AssetManager.Scenes where o.CategoryID == s collect o
if (scenes).count != 0 then
for o in scenes do
format "Button Button% \"%\" images:#(\"%\", undefined, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) width:100 height:100 align:#left across:4
" o.id o.name (QuadifyString o.thumbnail) to:ScenesString
for o in scenes do
format "on button% pressed do
" o.id to:ScenesString
format "(
" to: ScenesString
format "mergemaxfile \"%\" #Select
" (QuadifyString o.path) to: ScenesString
format ")
" to: ScenesString
format "label NoMapsLabel \"No Scenes Found\"" to:ScenesString
format ")" to:ScenesString
execute (ScenesString as string)
AddSubRollout AssetManagerDialog.ScenesSubRollout ScenesDialog
createdialog AssetManagerDialog
well done, thatoneguy~!!
that’s great, I think you can do it whole.
Just to be clear here is the directory structure it expects:
…\LibraryPath<Category Names>\filename.jpg&.max
just did a cursory glance abouts the internets and found no documentation for creating a Vray proxy. So if someone would be so kind as to find that I would tack it on.
I’ve been thinking about this for the exact same purpose. I thought a simple solution could be to use html (i.e. use a web page creation program) to create the directory tree with thumbnails etc and use i-drop links to drag and drop the max scenes (e.g. containing only a pre-textured vray proxy) into your current scene.
I’ll check out your script, thanks.
Our Cat browser uses a dynamically generated html page, via an activeX controller, to display the contents. This allows drop and drop as well as controls to add to a list of items to merge.
A tree view shows all available directories, minus ones that begin with “Z-”.
A simple partial string function, for “seaching”, sorts on the filenames during the generation of the html page.
Wish I could share it, but it’s not mine…
that loosk quite useful Kieth, if i may ask how are you generating the html? this is one of the couple projects that i’m looking at making in whatever spare time i can dig up also especially since the default max asset browser looks to be completely non-functional at the moment
The webpage was initially designed in dreamwaver then I copied the html in the script line by line as strings to use as a template. There is also a function that looks in the directories and based on the files existing there and with the help of the html template builds the webpage and saves it in a temp folder from where it gets read by the activex. So everytime you change the directory that page is rebuilt.
Some extra functionality that the script has is to enlarge the thumbnail to a full size render, you can open the curent folder in windows explorer and you can add items to a merge queue and import them all at once.
I hope it made sense, it’s been a while since I wrote that and as Keith was saying I wish I could share it but it was done while at Focus so they have all the rights for it…
i agree Gavin Greenwalt. any works should be pay in suitable .
im a max script developer for 3 years , used to work in Crystal CG shanghai for about 2 year .
in china , most animate studio using 3dsmax , and do not have a TD .
for this work , i can work it out in a month . but as for TD , i expect to serve a studio for long time , not just do one script tool when somebody needed . for simple script we can do for free , and for this one , we cant .
Think I’m going to have to write my own one of these for our company, we could really do with one for browsing HDRs and models.