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[Closed] adding skew fails
Oct 22, 2010 4:12 pm
The script doesn’t do anything fancy in my opinion. A callback registers when an object has been created and adds a skew modifier to it. That’s it.
It works fine with a teapot, but throws an error (system exception) if it’s a freecamera, and max crashes entirely when it is a targetcamera. I just can’t figure out why. I need to get it working with targetcameras.
fn addskew =
cam = (callbacks.notificationparam())
callbacks.removescripts #sceneNodeAdded id:#tests
addmodifier cam (skew())
callbacks.addscript #sceneNodeAdded "addskew()" id:#tests
--t = teapot() --this works
c = freecamera() -- throws system exception
--c = targetCamera pos:[0,0,0] target:(targetObject pos:[0, 0, 30]) --crashes