[Closed] Adding a NoteTrack to 'Objects'
In my first stab at MaxScript, I’ve run into the need to add a NoteTrack to the generic ‘Objects’ section. That is, the parent of all the other scene objects (I hope I’m being clear here). I’ve been able to successfully add and manipulate note tracks for helpers and so on, but I don’t know what I can reference ‘Objects’ as.
As of now, to add a note track to an object, I’m using
addNoteTrack [u]ev[/u] evNotes
where ev is the variable I have set to point at the object. I don’t know what to replace that with to make it add how I want it.
Thanks it advance for any help.
I’m not a coder, but we have some scripts that others wrote here to create Note Tracks and stuff them with Note Keys. Maybe this snippet will help you.
nt = notetrack (baseObj.name + "_nt")
addNoteTrack baseObj nt
Thanks, but I’m still having trouble for some reason. Max seems to that that baseObj is undefined (– Unknown property: “name” in undefined). Did that script by any chance have baseObj as a variable set to whatever the actual base identifier is? Would you mind posting the whole script? Thanks very much.
Here is a script i started unfortunately im not a programmer/scripter so the code is kinda messed up:)…lots of variables change state without need and other bugs…but is has functionality i a way:)…in some cases crashes
It uses functions from a notes script by Mike Weber(thanks for the link Eric:) )
Feel free to clean the code and add new features:)
Thanks, I learned some useful notetrack stuff from that.
Anyway, I found the solution to my problem elsewhere: I needed to use rootNode. Thanks everyone.