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[Closed] adding a key button for custom attributes


I am in the process of rigging a character. I added some customAttributes for limb controls, I wanted to add a key all button which keys all the custom attributes on the current frame. This works but partially. I used the “addnewkey()” function. This does not set a key when I open the file and press my “Key All” button. But in case i animate the parameter(s) it then later does allow me to set keys. I’m pasting the code. To get what i’m saying, please select any object, Add the PEN_Attribute_Holder and run the code.

Thanks a lot in advance guys,


--ca = custattributes.getdef $.modifiers[1].handLControls
ca=attributes handLControls
parameters param2 rollout:handLfkik
fkikL type:#float ui:fkikLsp
fkikslL type:#float ui:fkikslLsp
parameters param10 rollout:shoulderL
shoulL type:#float ui:shoulLsp
parameters param8 rollout:allfing
allfingL1 type:#float ui:allfingL1sp
allfingL2 type:#float ui:allfingL2sp
parameters param9 rollout:reset
resetp type:#point3 ui:resetpbtnL
rollout Lhandrour "Left Hand Controls"
label lb1 "Please work with smooth and" 
label lb2 "highlight mode with edged faces" 
label lb3 "off to see right effect of controls"
rollout Lhandkeyall "Key All"
button btnkeyall "Key All" 
on btnkeyall pressed do
addnewkey $.modifiers[#PEN_Attribute_Holder_2].handLControls currenttime
rollout handLfkik "FK / IK"
spinner fkikLsp "FK/IK" range:[0,10,0]
slider fkikslLsp "FK________________IK" range:[0,10,0]
label lbfkikL "Value 0 means FK"
rollout shoulderL "Shoulder Controls"
spinner shoulLsp "Shoulder follow" range:[0,10,6]
label lb1 "Works with the IK mode only"
rollout allfing "All finger Controls"
	 spinner allfingL1sp "All fingers splay" range:[-1,5,0]
	 spinner allfingL2sp "All fingers curl" range:[-1,8,0]
rollout reset "Reset position"
button resetpbtnL "Reset Position"
label lb4 "Only for the IK hand controller"
on resetpbtnL pressed do
--temphand_posL = $hipgirl_he_hand_pos_L.pos
--$hipgirl_ctrl_ik_hand_L.pos = temphand_posL
custattributes.add $.modifiers[1] ca

3 Replies

Hi guys,

Sorry but this is a reminder post. I havent got a solution to my problem so if somebody could help me please.


hi vicky

There could be etter ways but this works for me:
after the last line of your code, where you add the cust attrib to the modifier,
assign controllers to all the animatable parameters.


 custattributes.add $.modifiers[1] ca 
ss = $.modifiers[1].handLControls
ss.fkikL.controller = (Bezier_Float())
ss.allfingL1.controller = (Bezier_Float())
ss.resetp.controller = (bezier_point3())
------ .... and so on


This works. Thanks a lot Shibu