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[Closed] activeX tabs question – update, refresh??

i have two activeX tabs, ONE and TWO

each one has a pickbutton inside a subrollout

when i pick an object, the pickbutton display the name and works properly like i want, but when i move back and forth by clicking the tabs, the names are gone…and i guess their still maintain the objects…and properties…

and i set the rightclick to clean all the properties…

someone can tell me how i set a function to update the view and leave the button working fine ??

my test :

  --test polimeno ACTIVE X
  rollout Rol_1 "test 1"
  ------ Ui ------
  			group "1"
  			pickbutton pbt "" offset:[0,0] tooltip:"pick point yellow"
  			) --end of group
  -- Handlers ---
  			on pbt picked obj do
  				p1Obj = obj
  				if p1Obj != undefined
  					PtPick = obj
  					pbt.text =
  					flashNodes #(PtPick)
  			global	ptP_ = pbt.object
  					print (ptPick)
  					print (theClass)
  					print (pt_1)
  					print (theCategory)
  					print (ptP_)
  				obj = undefined
  				ptP_ = undefined
  				pbt.text = ""
  				print (obj)
  				print (ptP_)
  			on pbt rightclick do
  				clearListener ()
  				pbt.object = undefined
  				ptP_ = undefined
  				pbt.text = ""
  				print ("clear...1")
  				clearselection ()
  )--end rollout
  rollout Rol_2 "test 2"
  ------ Ui ------
  		group "2"
  		pickbutton p2 "" offset:[0,0] tooltip:"pick obj 2"
  		)--end of group
  -- Handlers ---
  			on p2 picked obj do
  				if obj != undefined
  					PtPick2 = obj
  					p2.text =
  					flashNodes #(PtPick2)
  			global	ptP_2 = p2.object
  					print (ptPick2)
  					print (ptP_2)
  				obj = undefined
  				ptP_2 = undefined
  				p2.text = ""
  				print (obj)
  				print (ptP_2)
  			on p2 rightclick do
  				POBJ = p2.object
  				print (POBJ)
  				p2.text = as string
  )--end rollout
  -- UI activeX --
  	rollout taX "Active X test"
  		activeXcontrol acx_tabs "MSComctlLib.TabStrip.2" height:20
  		subRollout mySubRol "" height: (taX.height - 45)
  		on acx_tabs Click do
  		IndexTabs_ = acx_tabs.SelectedItem.index
  			case IndexTabs_ of
  				  removeSubRollout mySubRol Rol_2
  			   addSubRollout mySubRol Rol_1
  			   acx_tabs.tabs[1].HighLighted = true
  			   acx_tabs.tabs[2].HighLighted = false
  			   removeSubRollout mySubRol Rol_1
  			   addSubRollout mySubRol Rol_2
  			   acx_tabs.tabs[1].HighLighted = false
  			   acx_tabs.tabs[2].HighLighted = true
  	)-- end rollout
  -- Handler X --
  	on taX open do
  	acx_tabs.tabs[1].caption = "ONE"
  	acx_tabs.tabs.add pvCaption:"TWO"
  	addSubRollout mySubRol Rol_1
  	)--end rollout
  createDialog taX 360 640


6 Replies

add this to the rollout definition (change the rollout and pickbutton name for the 2nd rollout, of course):

		on Rol_1 open do (
			if (isValidNode pbt.object) then (
				pbt.text =

That basically causes the pickbutton’s label to be re-set to that of the picked object when the rollout (re-)opens. The button’s behavior stays the same.

By the way, instead of using ‘pbt.text =’ in the ‘on pbt picked obj’ event, add “autoDisplay:true” to the pickbutton definition’s line. That will have the same effect

yes !
thanks man,
now it´s working !!

test code:

   rollout Rol_1 "test 1"
   ------ Ui ------
 			  group "1"
 			  pickbutton pbt "" offset:[0,0] tooltip:"pick obj" autoDisplay:on
 			  ) --end of group
   -- Handlers ---
 			  on pbt picked obj do
 				  pObj = obj
 				  if pObj != undefined do
 					  PtPick = obj
 		  global	ptP_ = pbt.object
 					  print (ptP_)
 			  on pbt rightclick do
 				  clearListener ()
 				  pbt.object = undefined
 				  ptP_ = undefined
 				  pbt.text = ""
 				  print ("clear...")
 		   on Rol_1 open do 
 				if (isValidNode ptP_) then 
 				pbt.text =
   )--end rollout
   -- UI activeX --
 	  rollout taX "Active X test"
 		  activeXcontrol acx_tabs "MSComctlLib.TabStrip.2" height:10
 		  subRollout mySubRol "" height: (taX.height - 100)
 		  on acx_tabs Click do
 		  IndexTabs_ = acx_tabs.SelectedItem.index
 			  case IndexTabs_ of
 					removeSubRollout mySubRol Rol_2
 				 addSubRollout mySubRol Rol_1
 				 acx_tabs.tabs[1].HighLighted = true
 				 acx_tabs.tabs[2].HighLighted = false
 				 removeSubRollout mySubRol Rol_1
 				 addSubRollout mySubRol Rol_2
 				 acx_tabs.tabs[1].HighLighted = false
 				 acx_tabs.tabs[2].HighLighted = true
 	  )-- end rollout
   -- Handler X --
 	  on taX open do
 	  acx_tabs.tabs[1].caption = "ONE"
 	  acx_tabs.tabs.add pvCaption:"TWO"
 	  addSubRollout mySubRol Rol_1
 	  )--end rollout
   createDialog taX 360 640

but now i have another question :

is it possible to use the function “#style resize” on the dialog with some variable to maintain all the stuffs inside with the original offset ?

button.pos.x = floater.borderLeft / 2
activeX.size = floater.size

to an extent, yes… you can:

  • get/set the size of rollouts
  • get/set the positions of controls
  • get the size of only several controls (not all)
  • set the size of even fewer controls

so, for example, you could use…

        on tax resized sz do (
            mySubRol.width = sz.x - 16
            mySubRol.height = sz.y - 16

to keep the subrollout somewhat sized to the dialog – but the rollouts within will be stuck in size (have to re-add). Similarly, you can’t set the size of acx_tabs.

If you need things to work smoothly in that respect, now would be a good time to ponder moving over to .NET (ActiveX isn’t supported much anymore anyway)… or a least checking whether you really need the (sub)rollouts.

got that Richard,
thanks a lot for your explanation.

can you show me a little test code with .NET with something similar on this topic ?

I would, but there’s several great threads on the topic of .NET tabs, switching UIs based on them, etc. already – perform a search for “dotnet tab” (sans quotes). Start at the bottom-most results, work your way up to the top (where the threads get into more advanced topics).

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

thanks, i´m doing it right now.

after a while looking in some threads i got this :

   try(destroyDialog theRollout)catch()
   rollout myRol "Testing .NET" width:200
   	dotNetControl dnc "" height:200
   	fn DNET theTabs =
   		t1 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.TabPage" "One"
   		t2 = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.TabPage" "Two"
   	dnc.controls.add (t1)
   	dnc.controls.add (t2)
   	on myRol open do
   	DNET dnc
   createDialog myRol


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