[Closed] Active X Control
hello guys,
my question may be a silly or a bad user question. But really i do not know it.
when adding a tab bar within my interface, i cannot add or remove more than 2 rollouts to each tab . WHERE IS THE PROBLEM?
We would have to see code to know what you are doing or not doing. Also why are you using AX Controls? Are you in Max 8?
i am using 3dmax 9 . if there is a different way to make tabs please tell me about it .
thank you.
rollout r1 "Candilis Cellular Automata"
activeXcontrol AXC1 "MSComctlLib.TabStrip.2" height:20
subRollout EmptySubRollout height:305 ---------------- empty rollout to include folded rollouts
-- Naming tabs--------------------------------------------
on r1 open do
AXC1.tabs[1].caption = "GAME OF LIFE "
AXC1.tabs.add pvCaption: "Clustering"
AXC1.tabs.add pvCaption: "Voronoi"
AXC1.tabs.add pvCaption: "Boolean Algebra"
-- rollout navigation control------------------------------
on AXC1 Click do
case AXC1.SelectedItem.index of
removeSubRollout EmptySubRollout p2
addSubRollout EmptySubRollout p1
removeSubRollout EmptySubRollout p1
addSubRollout EmptySubRollout p2
rollout p1 "Site restrictions" width:280 height:289
GroupBox grp10 "Site restrictions" pos:[4,14] width:303 height:77
spinner spn7 "X- Dimension" pos:[69,34] width:123 height:16
spinner spn9 "Y- Dimension" pos:[69,63] width:123 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
GroupBox grp33 "Building restrictions " pos:[4,96] width:303 height:79
spinner spn10 "No of Stories " pos:[67,118] width:125 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
spinner spn33 "Court Diameter" pos:[65,144] width:127 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
GroupBox grp45 "Generate Alternatives " pos:[4,179] width:303 height:106
radiobuttons rdo11 "No of Prototypes" pos:[11,202] width:186 height:30 labels:#("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6") columns:6
button btn1 "Generate" pos:[41,240] width:127 height:37
-- variables: Xmax Ymax NoGen CourtDia Alternatives
------------------------------------------ function starts here ---------------------------------------------------------
fn FormGeneration A B C D E =
for h= 1 to E
-- creating first generation grid
for x= 0 to (A/3.60) by 1.00 do for y= 0 to (B/3.60) by 1.00 do (
MyPlane= Box length:3.60 width:3.60 Height:3.60 lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1
MyPlane.name= ("Cell_" + x as string + "_X_" + y as string + "_X_0.0"+ h as string )
MyPlane.pos = [(3.60*x),(3.60*y),0]
MyPlane.wirecolor= [190,200,170]
hide( for o in geometry where distance o.center [(A/2),(B/2),0] > ((D+3)*3.60) and distance o.center [(A/2),(B/2),((C/2)*3.60)]< B collect o)
hide( for o in geometry where distance o.center [(A/2),(B/2),0] < (D*3.60) collect o)
-- for o in geometry where try(o.ishidden== false) catch (false) do
for o in geometry where try(o.ishidden== false) and (classof o == box) catch (false) do(
state= random 0 1
if (state == 0) then hide o
for gen=0.0 to C by 1 do
-- first pass: neighbors information
StateArray = #() -- array to save each cell neighboring status
lifeORdead= #() -- array to save each cell status
Idx=1 -- initialize a conter for StateArray Index
for x=1 to ((A/3.60) -1) by 1.00 do for y=1 to ((B/3.60)-1) do
-- defining each cell to collect it's neighbor visibility
NameOfCell= ("Cell_" + x as string + "_X_" + y as string + "_X_" + gen as string + h as string)
print NameOfCell
visible= 0 -- number of visible cell's neighbors
for i= -1 to 1 do for j= -1 to 1 do
if (i==0 and j==0) then (
LifeorDeadCell= execute (" $'"+ NameOfCell + "'.ishidden" )
if (LifeorDeadCell == false) then ( lifeORdead[Idx]= 1)
else (lifeORdead[Idx]= 0)
-- defining cell NeighborName
NeighborName= ("Cell_" + (x+i) as string + "_X_" + (y+j) as string + "_X_"+ gen as string + h as string)
checkclass = execute ("classof $'" + NeighborName + "'== Box")
if try (checkclass) catch (false) do
Visibility= execute ("$'"+ NeighborName + "'.ishidden" ) -- check cell neighbor visibility
if (visibility == false) then (visible= visible+1) -- update number of visible neighbors
else (visible=visible)
StateArray[Idx]= visible -- placement of visible cells no in the cell index of the StateArray
Idx=Idx+1 -- move to the next cell
-- second pass: applying rules
Idx=1 -- initialize variable to loop betwenn cells
for x=1 to (A-1) do for y=1 to (B-1) do
TotoPlane= box length:3.60 width:3.60 Height:3.60 lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1
TotoPlane.name= ("Cell_" + x as string + "_X_" + y as string + "_X_"+ (gen+1) as string + h as string)
TotoPlane.pos = [(3.60*x),(3.60*y),((gen+3.60)+(0.2*(gen+3.6)))]
TotoPlane.wirecolor= [190,200,170]
--Conway's Game of Life:
--1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by loneliness.
--2. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overcrowding.
--3. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
--4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors comes to life.
-- if live cell
Visibility01= " $'"+ TotoPlane.name + "'.ishidden"+ " = true"
Visibility02= " $'"+ TotoPlane.name + "'.ishidden"+ " = false"
if (lifeORdead[Idx]==1) then (
case of
(StateArray[Idx]<2): execute Visibility01
(StateArray[Idx]>3): execute Visibility01
(StateArray[Idx]==2): execute Visibility02
(StateArray[Idx]==3): execute Visibility02
else (
case of
(StateArray[Idx]==3): execute Visibility02
(StateArray[Idx]!=3): execute Visibility01
Idx=Idx+1 -- move to the next cell
delete (for o in objects where (o.ishidden == true) collect o)
UnionArray =(for o in objects where distance o.center [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] < (A+10) collect o)
uni = UnionArray[1]
for s in UnionArray do (uni + s)
move UnionArray [1] [50,(20*h),0]
delete (for o in objects where distance o.center [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] < (A+10) collect o)
for o in objects do (o.name= uniquename "prototype")
--move (for o in objects where distance o.center [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] < A collect o) [50,(10*h),0]
freeze(for o in objects where distance o.center [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] > (A+10) collect o)
------------------------------------- function ends here ---------------------------
on btn1 pressed do
print spn7.value
print spn9.value
print spn10.value
print spn33.value
print rdo11.state
yarab= FormGeneration spn7.value spn9.value spn10.value spn33.value rdo11.state
------------------------------------------------------P1 ends here ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rollout p2 "Clustering" width:289 height:301
dropdownList ddl3 "Interpolation Direction" pos:[9,15] width:205 height:40 items:#("Vertical", "Horizontal")
GroupBox grp11 "Vertical " pos:[4,66] width:303 height:94
radiobuttons rdo7 "Organisation" pos:[34,79] width:166 height:30 labels:#("Staggered", "Random") columns:2
spinner spn18 "No. of Stories" pos:[75,121] width:123 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,4,0] type:#integer
GroupBox grp12 "Horizontal" pos:[4,167] width:303 height:102
radiobuttons rdo6 "Organisation" pos:[34,187] width:128 height:46 labels:#("Ribbon", "Puzzle", "Patio", "Grouped") default:1 columns:4
spinner spn19 "No. of Stories" pos:[75,230] width:123 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,4,0] type:#integer
)-----------------------------------------------------P2 ends here------------------------------------------------------------------------
createdialog r1 350 350
addSubrollout r1.EmptySubRollout p1 -- to add the first rollout automatically when open the interface
For any of the non-standard 3ds Max UI elements (and some would say ‘all UI elements’), you should look into using .NET controls as later 3ds Max versions no longer support ActiveX controls.
( Not sure how long it will be before everybody is going to have to use SilverLight elements %) )
Do a search in this forum section for “dotnet tab” and/or “tabcontrol”
Here’s a nice post from Bobo with sample code that makes it easy to define tab content (as rollouts), and has a snippet of code that automatically turns those rollouts into separate tabs: