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[Closed] Active X Control

hello guys,

my question may be a silly or a bad user question. But really i do not know it.
when adding a tab bar within my interface, i cannot add or remove more than 2 rollouts to each tab . WHERE IS THE PROBLEM?

3 Replies

We would have to see code to know what you are doing or not doing. Also why are you using AX Controls? Are you in Max 8?

i am using 3dmax 9 . if there is a different way to make tabs please tell me about it .
thank you.

rollout r1 "Candilis Cellular Automata" 
		activeXcontrol AXC1 "MSComctlLib.TabStrip.2" height:20
		subRollout EmptySubRollout height:305   ---------------- empty rollout to include folded rollouts
		-- Naming tabs--------------------------------------------
		on r1 open do
			AXC1.tabs[1].caption = "GAME OF LIFE "
			AXC1.tabs.add pvCaption: "Clustering"
			AXC1.tabs.add pvCaption: "Voronoi"
			AXC1.tabs.add pvCaption: "Boolean Algebra"

		-- rollout navigation control------------------------------
		on  AXC1 Click do
			 case  AXC1.SelectedItem.index of
					  removeSubRollout EmptySubRollout p2 
					addSubRollout EmptySubRollout p1 
				   removeSubRollout EmptySubRollout p1 
				   addSubRollout EmptySubRollout p2 

	rollout p1 "Site restrictions" width:280 height:289
		GroupBox grp10 "Site restrictions" pos:[4,14] width:303 height:77
		spinner spn7 "X- Dimension" pos:[69,34] width:123 height:16
		spinner spn9 "Y- Dimension" pos:[69,63] width:123 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
		GroupBox grp33 "Building restrictions " pos:[4,96] width:303 height:79
		spinner spn10 "No of Stories " pos:[67,118] width:125 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
		spinner spn33 "Court Diameter" pos:[65,144] width:127 height:16 range:[0,100,0]
		GroupBox grp45 "Generate Alternatives " pos:[4,179] width:303 height:106
		radiobuttons rdo11 "No of Prototypes" pos:[11,202] width:186 height:30 labels:#("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6") columns:6
		button btn1 "Generate" pos:[41,240] width:127 height:37	

		-- variables:   Xmax   Ymax   NoGen   CourtDia   Alternatives
		------------------------------------------ function starts here  ---------------------------------------------------------
			fn FormGeneration  A  B  C  D  E  =
				for h= 1 to E

					-- creating first generation grid
					for  x= 0 to (A/3.60) by 1.00 do  for y= 0 to (B/3.60) by 1.00 do (
						MyPlane= Box length:3.60 width:3.60 Height:3.60 lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 ("Cell_" + x as string + "_X_" + y as string + "_X_0.0"+ h as string )
						MyPlane.pos = [(3.60*x),(3.60*y),0]
						MyPlane.wirecolor= [190,200,170]
						hide( for o in geometry where distance [(A/2),(B/2),0] > ((D+3)*3.60) and distance [(A/2),(B/2),((C/2)*3.60)]< B collect o)
						hide( for o in geometry where distance [(A/2),(B/2),0] < (D*3.60) collect o)
						-- for o in geometry where try(o.ishidden== false) catch (false) do
						for o in geometry where try(o.ishidden== false) and (classof o == box) catch (false) do(
							state= random 0 1

							if (state == 0) then hide o 
						for gen=0.0 to C by 1 do 
							-- first pass: neighbors information
							StateArray = #()			-- array to save each cell neighboring status
							 lifeORdead= #()				-- array to save each cell status
							Idx=1					-- initialize a conter for StateArray Index
							for x=1 to ((A/3.60) -1) by 1.00 do for y=1 to ((B/3.60)-1) do 
									-- defining each cell to collect it's neighbor visibility 
									 NameOfCell= ("Cell_" + x as string + "_X_" + y as string +  "_X_" + gen as string + h as string)
									print NameOfCell

									visible= 0		-- number of visible cell's neighbors
										for i= -1 to 1 do for j= -1 to 1 do
											if (i==0 and j==0) then (
												LifeorDeadCell= execute (" $'"+ NameOfCell + "'.ishidden" )
												if (LifeorDeadCell == false) then ( lifeORdead[Idx]= 1)
												else (lifeORdead[Idx]= 0)
												-- defining cell NeighborName 
												NeighborName=  ("Cell_" + (x+i) as string + "_X_" + (y+j) as string + "_X_"+ gen as string + h as string) 
												checkclass  = execute ("classof $'" + NeighborName + "'== Box")
												if try (checkclass) catch (false) do

													Visibility= execute ("$'"+ NeighborName + "'.ishidden" )	-- check cell neighbor visibility
													if (visibility == false) then (visible= visible+1)			-- update number of visible neighbors 
													else (visible=visible)

									 StateArray[Idx]= visible		-- placement of visible cells no in the cell index of the StateArray
									Idx=Idx+1						-- move to the next  cell
								-- second pass: applying rules
									Idx=1	-- initialize variable to loop betwenn cells 
								for x=1 to (A-1) do for y=1 to (B-1) do 
										TotoPlane= box length:3.60 width:3.60 Height:3.60 lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1
 ("Cell_" + x as string + "_X_" + y as string + "_X_"+ (gen+1) as string + h as string)
										TotoPlane.pos = [(3.60*x),(3.60*y),((gen+3.60)+(0.2*(gen+3.6)))]
										TotoPlane.wirecolor= [190,200,170]
										--Conway's Game of Life:
										--1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by loneliness.
										--2. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overcrowding.
										--3. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
										--4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors comes to life.
										-- if live cell

Visibility01=  " $'"+ + "'.ishidden"+ " = true"
											Visibility02= " $'"+ + "'.ishidden"+ " = false"
										if (lifeORdead[Idx]==1) then (

											case of 
													(StateArray[Idx]<2): execute Visibility01
													(StateArray[Idx]>3): execute Visibility01	  
													(StateArray[Idx]==2): execute Visibility02

													(StateArray[Idx]==3): execute Visibility02
										else (
											case of

													(StateArray[Idx]==3): execute Visibility02

													(StateArray[Idx]!=3): execute Visibility01				 
										Idx=Idx+1	-- move to the next cell

						delete (for o in objects where (o.ishidden == true)  collect o)
						UnionArray =(for o in objects where distance [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] < (A+10) collect o)
						uni = UnionArray[1]
						for s in UnionArray do (uni + s)
						move UnionArray [1] [50,(20*h),0]
						delete (for o in objects where distance [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] < (A+10) collect o)
						for o in objects do ( uniquename "prototype")
						--move (for o in objects where distance [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] < A collect o)  [50,(10*h),0]
						freeze(for o in objects where distance [(A/2),(B/2),(C/2)] > (A+10) collect o) 
					   ------------------------------------- function ends here  ---------------------------
		on btn1 pressed do
			print	spn7.value		   
			print	spn9.value
			print	spn10.value
			print	spn33.value
			print	rdo11.state
			yarab= FormGeneration  spn7.value   spn9.value   spn10.value  spn33.value   rdo11.state
------------------------------------------------------P1 ends here ----------------------------------------------------------------------	
rollout p2 "Clustering" width:289 height:301
	dropdownList ddl3 "Interpolation Direction" pos:[9,15] width:205 height:40 items:#("Vertical", "Horizontal")
	GroupBox grp11 "Vertical " pos:[4,66] width:303 height:94
	radiobuttons rdo7 "Organisation" pos:[34,79] width:166 height:30 labels:#("Staggered", "Random") columns:2
	spinner spn18 "No. of Stories" pos:[75,121] width:123 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,4,0] type:#integer
	GroupBox grp12 "Horizontal" pos:[4,167] width:303 height:102
	radiobuttons rdo6 "Organisation" pos:[34,187] width:128 height:46 labels:#("Ribbon", "Puzzle", "Patio", "Grouped") default:1 columns:4
	spinner spn19 "No. of Stories" pos:[75,230] width:123 height:16 enabled:true range:[0,4,0] type:#integer

)-----------------------------------------------------P2 ends here------------------------------------------------------------------------

	createdialog r1 350 350
	addSubrollout r1.EmptySubRollout p1 -- to add the first rollout automatically when open the interface

For any of the non-standard 3ds Max UI elements (and some would say ‘all UI elements’), you should look into using .NET controls as later 3ds Max versions no longer support ActiveX controls.
( Not sure how long it will be before everybody is going to have to use SilverLight elements %) )

Do a search in this forum section for “dotnet tab” and/or “tabcontrol”

Here’s a nice post from Bobo with sample code that makes it easy to define tab content (as rollouts), and has a snippet of code that automatically turns those rollouts into separate tabs: