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[Closed] accessing splines in splines?

Kinda newbie question, but I can’t seem to find the info ( or read it the right way ).

How do I access a spline sub object in a splineshape / line and their respective vertices.

Say I want to iterate over the start vertice in every spline in an editable spline

What methods should I call? Thanks!

2 Replies


let say we have selected shape :

 for s = 1 to (numSplines $) do
 		for k = 1 to (numKnots $ s) do
 			-- in example
 			print "knot pos:"
 			print (getKnotPoint $ s k)
 		for seg = 1 to (numSegments $ s) do
 			--in exmple
 			print "mat id:"
 			print (getMaterialID $ s seg)

check the docs SplineShape, Shape for more



Hi… Thanks for your feedback…

You are answering my question and guided me to what I was looking for!!

I guess I lost my glasses ( or brain ) reading on the SplineShape : Shape :rolleyes: