[Closed] accessing mesh class on an edit mesh modifier
Hi Guys,
I’m looking for a way to work on the mesh/trimesh of an edit mesh modifier
i know how to use the meshOp struct on baseObjects, but haven’t found a way to work on edit mesh modifiers…
i want to write a script that adds an edit mesh modifier to an editable mesh, deletes all vertices in there and attaches a box that matches the bounding box of the original mesh
i want this so i can switch between the mesh and a box representation of the object by just enabling/disabling the edit mesh modifier
Hi Aearon,
this is a different approach:
plugin modifier toggleDisplayAsBox
name:"Display as Box"
classID:#(0x165fd123, 0x5b06b16)
extends:EmptyModifier replaceUI:true version:1
parameters main rollout:params (
rollout params "Display As Box" (
button toggleDisplay "Togggle"
on toggleDisplay pressed do (
max box mode
switching the representation of the object by just enabling/disabling the modifier is not possible, though
thanks for the help rdg, but this still uses the standard max box mode, what i want is a ‘solid’ box, that why i was trying to use geometry
any ideas?
Although you can use the bounding box for this, I have written this fn that creates a box in place of an object and then removes it.
fn toggleBox =
local sel = selection[1]
local theName = sel.name
local last3 = ""; for i = (theName.count - 2) to theName.count do last3 += theName[i]
if last3 == "64X" then
delete sel
local theObj = ""; for i = 1 to (theName.count - 3) do theObj += theName[i]
local yourObj = getNodeByName theObj
unhide yourObj
select yourObj
local theMin = sel.min
local theMax = sel.max
local theBox = box width:(theMax.x - theMin.x) length:(theMax.y - theMin.y) height:(theMax.z - theMin.z)
theBox.center = sel.center
theBox.name = sel.name + "64X"
hide sel
select theBox
The above code ignores the rotations so this one doesn’t:
fn toggleBox =
local sel = selection[1]
local theName = sel.name
local last3 = ""; for i = (theName.count - 2) to theName.count do last3 += theName[i]
if last3 == "64X" then
delete sel
local theObj = ""; for i = 1 to (theName.count - 3) do theObj += theName[i]
local yourObj = getNodeByName theObj
unhide yourObj
select yourObj
local rot = sel.rotation
sel.rotation = quat 0 0 0 1
local theMin = sel.min
local theMax = sel.max
local theBox = box width:(theMax.x - theMin.x) length:(theMax.y - theMin.y) height:(theMax.z - theMin.z)
theBox.center = sel.center
theBox.name = sel.name + "64X"
hide sel
select theBox
theBox.rotation = rot
sel.rotation = rot
well, I missed the solid part of the box.
Light.’s function needs some linking between the original object and the box representation.
I tried something with the a scripted edit_mesh modifier, but I don’t get it how it works …
Thanks for the help light. the problem is that i don’t know how to attach this box to the edit_mesh modifier though.
i’ve come this far now (already have a solution to create the box):
fn getSize obj =
if objNumVerts>0 then
coord=coordsys local meshOp.getVert obj 1
minU=coord.x; minV=coord.y; minW=coord.z; maxU=coord.x; maxV=coord.y; maxW=coord.z
for v=2 to objNumVerts do
coord=coordsys local meshOp.getVert obj v
if coord.x<minU then minU=coord.x
if coord.y<minV then minV=coord.y
if coord.z<minW then minW=coord.z
if coord.x>maxU then maxU=coord.x
if coord.y>maxV then maxV=coord.y
if coord.z>maxW then maxW=coord.z
-- min,max,size,center
else false
with redraw off (
for o in selection do (
objSize = (getsize o)[3]
myBox = box width:objSize.x length:objSize.y height:objSize.z transform:o.transform
myBox.center = o.center
-- the following is the part that doesn't work yet:
-- this is supposed to add an edit mesh modifier, delete the original mesh in there
-- and replace it with a box. goal: when the modifier is on, there is only the box, when it's off
-- i can see the original mesh in the baseObject underneath.
-- this does work when i create it using the UI
editMeshMod = Edit_Mesh()
addModifier o editMeshMod
meshop.attach editMeshMod.mesh $Box01 targetNode:o -- here is the problem, there is no mesh property on an edit mesh modifier
check the comments for additional info on the problem
the getSize function is be prettyPixel by the way (check this thread)
Yeah but that will attach it to the baseobject, not the edit mesh modifier
here’s an example of what i want (switch edit mesh modifier on and off to see the different versions of the object)