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[Closed] Access instances of Scatter

Is there a way to access to the single instances created by scatter?
If not, is there any script which allows to create fast instances on a surfaces with the same level of customization and performance but that allows to split each instance when you finished customizing?
I would like to get position and direction of each object…

10 Replies

you must split your question-post on two questions…

#1 find instances or similar
#2 how to…

Sorry I might have explained it wrong. I just would like to have the same result achieved with “Scatter” but without all the geometries collapsed in one mesh. Or at least a way to access to their transformations.

try pflow instead of scatter
you can easily get all transform data from particles

   -- selection[1] is a pflow node
    obj = teapot radius:3

    for i = 1 to selection[1].numparticles() do (
        selection[1].particleId = i
        instance obj name:(uniquename "p_instance_") transform:selection[1].particleTM wirecolor:obj.wirecolor


    delete obj


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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

oh thanks! this might work!
Is there any way i could access to the “.dir” property of the particle without instancing the mesh to get it if i would ? like from its .particleTM or .particleOrientation

.row3 of particle TM
but you’ll need to normalize it

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

oh i didn’t know that, thanks!

I’ve got another question here, Is there a way i can access suboperators via maxscript?
I’ve made this Align to Surfaces Normals data operator and i would like to use it when i create a PFSource with maxscript

I don’t know if it is possible. Maybe you can use speedBySurface as a substitution?

btw.If all you need is a closest face normal then look for MeshProjIntersect it provides .ClosestFace for arbitrary point3

wait i’ve found this trick in another thread

it seems to work fine for now

Although this impacted a lot on performance

According to this
i could save the DataOperator Presets i create, but there is no such file that folder, even if both 3ds 2016 and 2018 can see the operator, I’ve scanned the whole pc and there is no file with the given name…

EDIT: Found, but i can’t access to the exposed params in maxscript…