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[Closed] accesing modyfiers after collapsation
Feb 10, 2014 4:56 pm
I can’t found any information about this but it’s should be important issue.
Let say on my example, I want check if object have uvw mapping but object have
modyfiers stack collapsed already, in this point there is “?”. Is there any way to access is such a cases ?
1 Reply
Feb 10, 2014 4:56 pm
If you want to check if the object has uv’s then you can check for the number of uv verts:
meshop.getNumTVerts <Mesh mesh>
so you can create a box, and uncheck ‘generate uv’ when you create the primitive, collapse it to mesh, then run the code:
meshop.getNumTVerts $
you will then see its creating a error.
then add uv and collapse, run it again and it’ll return the number of uv’s.