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[Closed] about get uvw Index of Vertex

hi all!
I want get all equals Index of Vertex, and then use function $.unwrap_uvw.unwrap.selectVertices() select equals index of vertex , and use function $.unwrap_uvw.unwrap.weldSelected() weld equals index of vertex.

problem : I can’t get uvw index of vertex ,i try use function $.unwrap_uvw.getVertexIndexFromFace and $.unwrap_uvw.getVertexGeomIndexFromFace unsucceed.
sorry for my bad english!!!
Any suggest would be greatly appreciated!

follow source

* author: leeriver
* e_mail: [email=""][/email]
debug=createFile "c:/temp/debug.log" 
global array_ploys = #()	 
global array_points = #()	
global array_geompoints = #() 
function weld_point weldPoint =
	 weldPoint = weldPoint as bitArray
	 $.unwrap_uvw.unwrap.selectVertices weldPoint
function fn_string str_src str_des =
		src_nums = str_src.count
		des_nums = str_des.count
		abc = 0
for i=1 to src_nums do
	 local weld_nums=#()
	 if str_des[i]==abc then
	 local tmp = str_des[i]
	 for j=1 to des_nums do
	if i!=j then
	 if tmp==str_des[j] then
	 if str_des[j]!=abc then
	 append weld_nums str_src[j]
	print weld_nums to:debug
	print "=====================" to:debug
	 if weld_nums.count >1 then
	 weld_point weld_nums
rollout weldDlg "weld_e" width:162 height:300
button btn_weld "weld_vertex" pos:[32,28] width:83 height:20
on btn_weld pressed do
array_ploys = $.unwrap_uvw.unwrap.getSelectedPolygons()
for props in array_ploys do 
local nPoints
nPoints = $.unwrap_uvw.numberPointsInFace(props)
for i=1 to nPoints do
	local strp
	local strg
	strp = $.unwrap_uvw.getVertexIndexFromFace props i
	strg = $.unwrap_uvw.getVertexGeomIndexFromFace props i
	append array_points strp
	append array_geompoints strg
fn_string array_points array_geompoints
createDialog weldDlg 200 100