[Closed] A Script for controling renders…. <advise>
Hi… i was wondering if you guys knew the name of a few scripts… I have been slowly getting back into max after 4 years in maya (new job)… I used to use a number of scripts and scriptspot doesn’t seam to have them or I can not wade through the new interface…
I used to have a script that was a simple few buttons… 100%, 75%, 50%, 10% – It was a dockable script, so you could run them as a tool button or like a 2nd command pannel. It read your set render size in the render dialogue and at a button click would do the same as the last render option, but it would adjust the values for the above %…
I had a script once that saved render options, in mentalray, brazil and scanline. So you could set up a bunch of different render types and save them out, at a button click it would render using those setting… The saved options were project dependant, but you could save them to a master file and load them into any project… though I nvr really used it for that as each projects rendering and lighting is so different. I mainly used it for getting my speed vs quality passes saved out so each image when sent to the boss was linked to the render settings for easy recall.
I had a script that could do sectional renders… so if you have a very heavy image or had to render a huge rez, then it would break the renders into section… witch i could then composite together… At script spot i saw a few of these, but they wouldn’t save sequences… The old version i just had a DF project and could load each sequence into the tree and spit out the final render… Also the one that i did find that could do this wouln’t run on brazil… only did mental ray and vray…
If anyone knows where i can find these scripts I would be appreciative…
(ps – while i am here… anyone know where I can get the script for dockable large colour copy pallet?)
Thanks again for any help.