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[Closed] a changing interface

Hello to everyone

i have a question about how to make a changing interface in a rollout.
i have created a dropdownlist in a rollout and according to the value of the item selected in this ddl, i want to have different buttons appearing below this…

Can somebedy help please?


2 Replies


addSubRollout and removeSubRollout methods would help you, also you can always simple eneble/disable controls when some state changes.

Here is the example of dynamic add/rem rollouts:

 global toggle = true
 rollout test "test" height:200
 	button btnToggle "toggle" 
 	subrollout test1 "test1"
 	on test open do 
 		AddSubRollout test.test1 test1a
 		test.test1.height += 100
 	on btnToggle pressed do
 		if ::toggle then
 			RemoveSubRollout test.test1 test1a
 			AddSubRollout test.test1 test1b
 		) else (
 			RemoveSubRollout test.test1 test1b
 			AddSubRollout test.test1 test1a
 		::toggle = not ::toggle
 rollout test1a "test1a"
 	spinner test1as "test1as"
 rollout test1b "test1b"
 	spinner test1bs "test1bs"
 createdialog test


thanks a lot!! exactly what i was searching to do