[Closed] Zlax: Relax along Z value only
Just thought I’d post this here. Had a question in the regular Max forum to see if I could relax along the Z only. Nothing in MAX allows this so I wrote this:
Relaxes verts only along the Z axis
2008 shannont@pbworld.com
local theQuery = queryBox "This will convert your object into an editable poly.
ALL modifiers will be lost!
Do you still want to do this?"
if theQuery != false do
fn geomFilt o = (superClassOf o == GeometryClass)
local theMessage = "Select the object to relax"
local theSourceObject = pickObject message:theMessage prompt:theMessage filter:geomFilt
convertToPoly theSourceObject
--Copy our object to a new one
local theCopy = copy theSourceObject
local numberOfVerts = theCopy.numVerts
--set the relax settings
theCopy.relaxAmount = .25
theCopy.relaxIterations = 4
theCopy.relaxHoldOuterPoints = false
theCopy.relaxHoldBoundaryPoints = false
theCopy.EditablePoly.Relax selLevel:#Object
--Change the Z values for all the original verts based on the z value of the relaxed object
for i = 1 to numberOfVerts do
theOriginalVertPos = polyOp.getVert theSourceObject i
theNewVertPos = polyOp.getVert theCopy i
theZrealxedPos = [theOriginalVertPos.x,theOriginalVertPos.y,theNewVertPos.z]
polyOp.setVert theSourceObject i theZrealxedPos
delete theCopy
select theSourceObject
I hope it helps somebody somewhere!
Wow! Just amazing how your script idea is simple, yet, it works! Thanks for sharing it! I can already see upgraded versions of zlax relaxing in another directions!
Thanks! I’ll probably upgrade it sometime, but what I wrote fits my needs perfectly.
When I do, I’ll definitely do the combination (XY, XZ, Z, etc.) thing. Great idea!
You may want to change your first querybox since you are converting to poly, not mesh.
Thanks simple and useful (bloody roads and terrains!)
here’s a small modification so that it works only on the selected verts, didn’t have a chance to add any of the ui bits
Relaxes verts only along the Z axis
2008 shannont@pbworld.com
adjusted to only work on selected verts by Dave Buchhofer dbuchhofer@gmail.com 01-2009
--local theQuery = queryBox "This will convert your object into an editable poly.
ALL modifiers will be lost!
Do you still want to do this?"
--if theQuery != false do
fn geomFilt o = (superClassOf o == GeometryClass)
local theSourceObject = selection[1]
if (ClassOf theSourceObject == Editable_Poly) and (subobjectLevel == 1) and (theSourceObject.selectedVerts.count != 0) then
--Copy our object to a new one
local theCopy = copy theSourceObject
verts = theCopy.selectedVerts as bitarray
--set the relax settings
theCopy.relaxAmount = .25
theCopy.relaxIterations = 4
theCopy.relaxHoldOuterPoints = false
theCopy.relaxHoldBoundaryPoints = false
theCopy.EditablePoly.Relax selLevel:#Object
--Change the Z values for all the original verts based on the z value of the relaxed object
for v in verts do
theOriginalVertPos = polyOp.getVert theSourceObject v
theNewVertPos = polyOp.getVert theCopy v
theZrealxedPos = [theOriginalVertPos.x,theOriginalVertPos.y,theNewVertPos.z]
polyOp.setVert theSourceObject v theZrealxedPos
delete theCopy
select theSourceObject
subobjectLevel = 1
)else messagebox "Z relax currently only works on Collapsed Editable Poly objects
and requires a selection at the vertex level."
Maybe create a scripted modifier and allow the gizmo to define the direction…
Good plan! I’ve never made a scripted modifier. This one is perfect for it. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll post it when I do it.