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[Closed] Zlax: Relax along Z value only

Just thought I’d post this here. Had a question in the regular Max forum to see if I could relax along the Z only. Nothing in MAX allows this so I wrote this:

  Relaxes verts only along the Z axis
  	local theQuery = queryBox "This will convert your object into an editable poly.
ALL modifiers will be lost!
Do you still want to do this?"
  	if theQuery != false do 
  		fn geomFilt o = (superClassOf o == GeometryClass)
  		local theMessage = "Select the object to relax"
  		local theSourceObject = pickObject message:theMessage prompt:theMessage filter:geomFilt
  		convertToPoly theSourceObject
  		--Copy our object to a new one
  		local theCopy = copy theSourceObject
  		local numberOfVerts = theCopy.numVerts
  		--set the relax settings
  		theCopy.relaxAmount = .25
  		theCopy.relaxIterations = 4
  		theCopy.relaxHoldOuterPoints = false
  		theCopy.relaxHoldBoundaryPoints  = false
  		theCopy.EditablePoly.Relax selLevel:#Object
  		--Change the Z values for all the original verts based on the z value of the relaxed object
  		for i = 1 to numberOfVerts do
  			theOriginalVertPos = polyOp.getVert theSourceObject i
  			theNewVertPos = polyOp.getVert theCopy i
  			theZrealxedPos = [theOriginalVertPos.x,theOriginalVertPos.y,theNewVertPos.z]
  			polyOp.setVert theSourceObject i theZrealxedPos
  		delete theCopy
  		select theSourceObject

I hope it helps somebody somewhere!

8 Replies

What about settings to allo combinations.
ZX XY ZY z x or y.

Wow! Just amazing how your script idea is simple, yet, it works! Thanks for sharing it! I can already see upgraded versions of zlax relaxing in another directions!

Thanks! I’ll probably upgrade it sometime, but what I wrote fits my needs perfectly.

When I do, I’ll definitely do the combination (XY, XZ, Z, etc.) thing. Great idea!


Simple solution, I like it.

You may want to change your first querybox since you are converting to poly, not mesh.


Thanks simple and useful (bloody roads and terrains!)

here’s a small modification so that it works only on the selected verts, didn’t have a chance to add any of the ui bits

  Relaxes verts only along the Z axis
  adjusted to only work on selected verts by Dave Buchhofer 01-2009
  	--local theQuery = queryBox "This will convert your object into an editable poly.
ALL modifiers will be lost!
Do you still want to do this?"
  	--if theQuery != false do 
  		fn geomFilt o = (superClassOf o == GeometryClass)
		local theSourceObject = selection[1]
		if (ClassOf theSourceObject == Editable_Poly) and (subobjectLevel == 1) and (theSourceObject.selectedVerts.count != 0) then
			--Copy our object to a new one
			local theCopy = copy theSourceObject
			verts = theCopy.selectedVerts as bitarray
			--set the relax settings
			theCopy.relaxAmount = .25
			theCopy.relaxIterations = 4
			theCopy.relaxHoldOuterPoints = false
			theCopy.relaxHoldBoundaryPoints  = false
			theCopy.EditablePoly.Relax selLevel:#Object
			--Change the Z values for all the original verts based on the z value of the relaxed object
			for v in verts do
				theOriginalVertPos = polyOp.getVert theSourceObject v
				theNewVertPos = polyOp.getVert theCopy v
				theZrealxedPos = [theOriginalVertPos.x,theOriginalVertPos.y,theNewVertPos.z]
				polyOp.setVert theSourceObject v theZrealxedPos
			delete theCopy
			select theSourceObject
			subobjectLevel = 1
		)else messagebox "Z relax currently only works on Collapsed Editable Poly objects
and requires a selection at the vertex level."

Maybe create a scripted modifier and allow the gizmo to define the direction…

Good plan! I’ve never made a scripted modifier. This one is perfect for it. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll post it when I do it.