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[Closed] XtraTreeList backcolor not working

does anyone else have a problem setting the backcolor of the XtraTreeList control? i can set the backColor and when i check its .R .G .B properties it returns the correct values but the background of the control just stays white… maybe i’m missing a flag somewhere?
example code:

global testRoll
try(DestroyDialog testRoll)catch()
rollout testRoll "testRoll"
	dotnetcontrol tv "DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList" width:204 height:300 pos:[0,0]
	label lab_color1 "TreeList.BackColor is:" align:#left
	label lab_color2 ""
	fn addColumn caption width visible:true fixedSide:undefined =
		local col = tv.Columns.Add()
		col.caption = caption
		col.width = width
		col.visible = visible
		if fixedSide != undefined do col.Fixed = getProperty col.Fixed fixedSide
		col.optionsColumn.AllowEdit = false
		col.optionsColumn.AllowMove = false
		col.optionsColumn.AllowSize = false
		col.optionsColumn.AllowSort = false
	fn initTreeList =
		-- Set up the treelist 
		tv.OptionsBehavior.Editable = false
		tv.OptionsBehavior.ResizeNodes = false
		tv.OptionsMenu.EnableColumnMenu = false
		tv.OptionsView.ShowIndicator = false
		-- add the columns
		addColumn "col 1"	100
		addColumn "col 2"	50
		addColumn "col 3"	50
		local c = colorMan.GetColor #background * 255
		tv.backColor = tv.backColor.fromARGB c.x c.y c.z
		format "%
" (tv.BackColor.ToString())
		lab_color2.text = tv.BackColor.ToString()
	fn UpdateTreeList =
		for i = 1 to 3 do
			root = local root = tv.AppendNode #("root " + i as string, "", "") -1
			for j = 1 to (random 1 3) do
				tv.AppendNode #("sub " + j as string, "x", "y") root
	on testRoll open do
createDialog testRoll width:204
2 Replies

hey man, I don’t know the exact solution to your problem, but depending on what your needs are and what you are trying to do – an alternative you can use is Python & PyQt.

This may be not what you’re looking for, but for us at Blur it was a much appreciated way to completely bypass the dotNet experience – all you’d need to get going is available at

& this is what your code would look like in python:

   from Py3dsMax			import mxs
   from blur.wingui 	import Dialog
   from PyQt4.QtGui	import QColor
   from PyQt4.QtGui	import QHBoxLayout
   from PyQt4.QtGui	import QLabel
   from PyQt4.QtGui	import QPalette
   from PyQt4.QtGui	import QTreeWidget
   from PyQt4.QtGui	import QTreeWidgetItem
   from PyQt4.QtGui	import QVBoxLayout
   class MyDialog( Dialog ):
   	def __init__( self ):
   		Dialog.__init__( self )
   		self.resize( 204, 400 )
   		tree 	= QTreeWidget( self )
   		label 	= QLabel( self )
   		label.setText( 'BackColor is:' )
   		label2		= QLabel( self )
   		hlayout	= QHBoxLayout()
   		hlayout.addWidget( label )
   		hlayout.addWidget( label2 )
   		layout		= QVBoxLayout()
   		layout.addWidget( tree )
   		layout.addLayout( hlayout )
   		layout.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
   		self.setLayout( layout )
   		self.uiMainTREE = tree
   		self.uiColorLBL	= label2
   	def initTree( self ):
   		# Set the columns
   		self.uiMainTREE.setColumnCount( 3 )
   		self.uiMainTREE.setHeaderLabels( [ 'col 1', 'col 2', 'col 3' ] )
   		mcolor = mxs.colorMan.getColor( 'background' ) * 255
   		qcolor = QColor( mcolor.x, mcolor.y, mcolor.z )
   		palette = self.uiMainTREE.palette()
   		palette.setColor( QPalette.Base, qcolor )
   		self.uiMainTREE.setPalette( palette )
   		self.uiColorLBL.setText( '(%s,%s,%s)' % (,, )
   	def loadTree( self ):
   		import random
   		for i in range( 3 ):
   			root = QTreeWidgetItem( [ 'root %02i' % i ] )
   			for j in range( random.randrange( 1, 3 ) ):
   				root.addChild( QTreeWidgetItem( [ 'sub %02i' % j, 'x', 'y' ] ) )
   			self.uiMainTREE.addTopLevelItem( root )
   			root.setExpanded( True )

thanks for the rewrite! unfortunately i’m still going the dotnet / maxscript approach for this project at least. But I’ll definitely be looking into python for the future.