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[Closed] XtraTreeList

Hi all,

Since 3ds Max 2008, there’s some new Dlls in 3ds Max root directory I only noticed yesterday:


The more interesting is DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v7.1.dll that contains a TreeList .NET Custom Control. It’s used by the Scene Explorer. This control is very powerful!
Take a look at :

It seems we have been looking for a complete .NET Forms List/Tree/Grid/View for a long time without knowing that 3ds Max ships with one powerful and professional…

Have you heard about this TreeList control before ?

Like Pete, I posted a question at the 3ds Max SDK blog about this control. See .

I tried it and it can do simple and advanced things. It has a complete documentation and tutorials (online at the product website).
Have fun!

8 Replies

Ooh, this maybe just what I need! I’ll definitely have a look!
Thanks for posting!


hey yannick, nice find, i’d seen those dlls created on build when using the managed services dll but didnt know where they had come from!

I’ve been playing around with this, but does anyone know if you can add a non-repository control to a column or individual node? I want a column of check boxes, but I can’t find a way to turn the RepositoryItemCheckEdit control into a button, like you can with a Windows Checkbox, or to just use a CheckBox in the column.

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Thanks, I’ve seen that. But he’s using all controls specifically from the “repository” group of XtraTreeList controls. I want to add a generic windows form control.


I haven’t been able to get that to work either. I didn’t try to hard but I got errors on any way that I thought it could work. Would be nice if we could.

Yes, these DLL’s are the magic behind the scene explorer and other ‘explorer’ tools inside of max.

Great find!

I’ve been thinking of Mark Rideout’s TreeGridView to use in custom layer manager. But now I’ll try with bundled XtraTreeList.

It seems that with this control it would be more simple to implement dragging/reordering the rows.