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[Closed] XML Writter format issue


if you run this code you will get an unformatted xml string. IF you comment out the comment out the writeValue line it will be formatted. So how do I write the innerText using Writer and get a formatted xml string?

Or is the illegal xml formatting? If you have InnerText can then not have elements?

StringWriter = dotNetObject "System.IO.StringWriter" StringWriter

-- Create XmlWriterSettings and fill info
XmlWriterSettings = dotNetObject "System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings"
XmlWriterSettings.Indent = true
XmlWriterSettings.indentChars="	"
XmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false
XmlWriterSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = false

-- Create new XmlWriter in the StringWriter with the specified settings
XmlWriter=dotNetClass "system.xml.xmlWriter"
Writer = XmlWriter.Create StringWriter XmlWriterSettings

-- Write the document
Writer.WriteStartElement "XMLUI"
 	Writer.WriteValue "This is a test" --COMMENT and re run
	Writer.WriteStartElement "TAB"
	Writer.WriteAttributeString "Name" "Temp"
	Writer.WriteAttributeString "BackGround" ""
		Writer.WriteStartElement "UI" ""
		Writer.WriteAttributeString "Test" "12345"
-- 	Writer.WriteEndElement() --Don't realy need to set the end element as it does it for you. 
-- Writer.WriteEndElement()

-- Release Xml resources

9 Replies

what does the value “This is a test” have to be? how will you get access to this value?


Not sure why that maters Denis, but it could be any value or text depending on all sorts of factors. I’m concerned with the formatting of the XML file and that it is human readable.


Don’t know if any one needs this.

Send this an xmlDoc and it will return a formatted string as XML

fn reformatXml xml Writer: =
	if Writer==unsupplied do 
		StringWriter=dotNetObject "System.IO.StringWriter"
		XmlWriterSettings = dotNetObject "System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings"
		XmlWriterSettings.Indent = true
		XmlWriterSettings.indentChars="	"
		XmlWriterSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false
		XmlWriterSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = false
		XmlWriter=dotNetClass "system.xml.xmlWriter"
		Writer = XmlWriter.Create StringWriter XmlWriterSettings
	case of
		"#document": () --Do nothing
		"xml": () --Do nothing
			Writer.WriteComment xml.value
			Writer.writeValue xml.value
			for i = 0 to xml.Attributes.count-1 do
				val=xml.getAttribute xml.Attributes.item[i].name
				Writer.WriteAttributeString xml.Attributes.item[i].name val
	for i = 0 to xml.childNodes.count-1 do 
		reformatXml xml.childNodes.item[i] Writer:writer StringWriter:StringWriter
	if doFlush do

xmlDoc=dotNetObject "system.xml.xmlDocument"
xmlStr="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>           <!--This is a comment--><XMLUI Name=\"Fred\">
<TAB Name=\"Face\"><UI /><!--This is a Button below-->
					<BUTTON Name=\"Reset\" /><INNERTEXT>This is Inner Text</INNERTEXT></TAB></XMLUI>
xmlDoc.loadXml xmlStr
xmlStr=reformatXml xmlDoc

Hello Paul

When I wrote a preset system that held xml data in an attribute parameter block, I used LINQ to get a similar result. The tostring() method of an xdocument returns a formatted xml string.

xdoc = (dotNetclass "System.Xml.Linq.XDocument").Parse xmlStr

However, it does remove the xml encoding string at the start, so if you still needed that, you could do something like this :

(dotnetobject "system.xml.linq.XDeclaration" "1.0" "utf-8" "").tostring() + "
" + xdoc.ToString()

Thanks Pete. Hadn’t seen that but I do want all of it in tact. I will have a look what you have.

dotNetClass "System.Xml.Linq.XDocument"

Returns undefined


Never mind had to load the assembly:(


Oh wow, after doing that I noticed mine had an error in it as well:S

Yours is a whole lot easier too.


Not quite still. not I’m back to not having the correct five space Tab character as it is in the Max script editor. Any ideas how to set that?