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[Closed] Would scripters be interested in a weekly MAXSCRIPT CHALLENGE?

cool! would be a fun way of learning maxscript, imagine seeing different variations of a script that does the same thing. (sometimes I often wonder in my scripts, how would other people have done this?) thanks for taking time in initiating this challange.

This is going to be great! … I’ll definitely participate …I hope to learn a lot here.

Groovy, count me in

I like it, I’ll try to join in the fun!

MaxScript challenge?!?! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sounds like a great idea. I think you’re going to have to to be clear about what makes a good maxscipt! speed, reliability, cleverness of solution, or even just how readable it is.
I suppose the only bad thing about this is that it will serve as a pretty good distraction from the work piling up on my desk…


Any progress on the challenge?

I have a few. These are things I’ve wanted to do for some time but never had the chance to do.

[li]An image viewer (ala ACDSee) complete with treeview for the harddrives and folders. Must have a preview block. [/li][li]Render time “Grey Render”. [/li][li]Simple file versioning system. With checking in/out of files. [/li][li]Vertex Lock, ala XSI. [/li][/ol] I need’s me challenge fix :bounce:

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check the sticky up the top, they have already started

I recon this is a great idea!
Just so long as it does not get too complex. It would be cool if the challenges were achievable for a begginner to maxscript.
Or have two difficulity levels, set out the basic tasks needed to be completed, then add optional extras for the advanced.
Like this weeks one is good, its simple enough for a begginer, but a more advanced maxscripter could add as much as they wanted to the complexity of the table.

Joined: 11 months ago

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Wahooney, can you repost these in the “topics and suggestions” sticky? These are great ideas (I’ve just finished scritping a versioning system myself!)

Strange that there wasn’t any kind of official starting announcement here in this thread. It would have been good for people that don’t check CGTalk daily. But Inaudable’s now made the unofficial announcement, so it’s all good.

Yeah, sorry about that. I’d like to announce it, but I don’t have any spooky moderator powers.

Maybe a forum leader can pony us up? I don’t know how official this is really!

Will do, my cap-i-tan!

hey just saw this?
is this still going on??

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