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[Closed] World Space <-> FFD Space with a rotated lattice?
Jan 01, 2012 2:27 am
Has anyone managed to convert from the FFD’s modifier space to world space and back again with a rotated lattice? I’ve managed to get it to work with a moved lattice, but as soon as I adjust the rotation my code falls apart.
* Draw a box
* Put a FFD 2x2x2 on it
* run this code
- The point helper should now be aligned with FFD Control Point 3.
- rotate the lattice
- run this code again
- the point helper is not where it should be.
fn GetFFDPoint obj ffd controlPoint =
if classOf controlPoint != Point3 then
print "Error: You need to pass in a point 3"
return undefined
objTM = obj.objecttransform
modTM = (getModContextTM obj ffd) * ffd.lattice_transform.value
modBBMin = getModContextBBoxMin obj ffd
modBBMax = getModContextBBoxMax obj ffd
size = (modBBMax - modBBMin)
thePoint = modBBMin + (controlPoint * size) * modTM * objTM
print ("Starting Position " + controlPoint as string)
return thePoint
fn SetFFDPoint obj ffd worldSpace controlPoint =
objTM = obj.objecttransform
modTM = (getModContextTM obj ffd) * ffd.lattice_transform.value
modBBMin = getModContextBBoxMin obj ffd
modBBMax = getModContextBBoxMax obj ffd
size = (modBBMax - modBBMin)
thePoint = (worldSpace * (inverse objTM) * modTM - modBBMin) / size
print ("FFD Space: " + thePoint as string)
ffd.control_point_3 = thePoint
while $tester != undefined do
delete $tester
obj = $Box01
animateAll obj.modifiers[1]
thePoint = GetFFDPoint obj obj.modifiers[1] obj.modifiers[1].control_point_3
if thePoint != undefined then
print ("WorldSpace: " + thePoint as string)
point name:"tester" pos:thePoint
--SetFFDPoint obj obj.modifiers[1] thePoint obj.modifiers[1].control_point_3
1 Reply
Jan 01, 2012 2:27 am
Figured it out. Had to multiply the inverse quaternion of the lattice in the equation. I also fixed a bug or two when converting back. Hope this helps someone else out in the future.
-- This script converts from FFD space to world space and back again.
-- Neil Marshall 12/31/2011
fn FFDSpaceToWorldSpace obj ffd controlPoint =
if classOf controlPoint != Point3 then
print "Error: You need to pass in a point 3 to properly convert a FFD to world space"
return undefined
objTM = obj.objecttransform
modTM = (getModContextTM obj ffd) * ffd.lattice_transform.value
modBBMin = getModContextBBoxMin obj ffd
modBBMax = getModContextBBoxMax obj ffd
size = modBBMax - modBBMin
thePoint = modBBMin * inverse ffd.lattice_transform.rotation + (controlPoint * size) * modTM * objTM
return thePoint
fn WorldSpaceToFFDSpace obj ffd worldSpace =
objTM = obj.objecttransform
modTM = (getModContextTM obj ffd) * ffd.lattice_transform.value
modBBMin = getModContextBBoxMin obj ffd
modBBMax = getModContextBBoxMax obj ffd
size = modBBMax - modBBMin
thePoint = (worldSpace * (inverse objTM) * (inverse modTM) - modBBMin) / size
return thePoint
while $tester != undefined do
delete $tester
obj = $Box01
animateAll obj.modifiers[1]
print ("Before FFD Space: " + obj.modifiers[1].control_point_3 as string)
thePoint = FFDSpaceToWorldSpace obj obj.modifiers[1] obj.modifiers[1].control_point_3
if thePoint != undefined then
print ("WorldSpace: " + thePoint as string)
point name:"tester" pos:thePoint
obj.modifiers[1].control_point_3 = WorldSpaceToFFDSpace obj obj.modifiers[1] thePoint
print ("After FFD Space: " + obj.modifiers[1].control_point_3 as string)