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[Closed] Working with modifier instances
Nov 27, 2013 4:39 pm
How do you tell if the currently active modifier is an instance, and get the other objects it’s a part of?
Never done anything with instanced modifiers before in script and am lost one where to even start.
11 Replies
3 Replies
Try this example
theBox = Box pos:[100,0,0]
theTea = Teapot radius:10
theMody1 = TurboSmooth()
addModifier theBox theMody1
addModifier theBox (Bend())
addModifier theTea theMody1
addModifier theTea (Edit_Poly())
addModifier theTea theMody1
checkMods = InstanceMgr.CanMakeModifiersUnique
for o in objects do
for m in o.modifiers do
format "obj: % modifier: % instance: %
" (classof m) (checkMods o m)
refhierarchy.IsRefTargetInstanced <modifier_instance>
delete objects
bb = for k=1 to 2 collect box()
m = Edit_Poly()
addmodifier bb m
-- check it
refhierarchy.IsRefTargetInstanced m
-- >> true
InstanceMgr.MakeModifiersUnique bb m #individual
-- check it again
refhierarchy.IsRefTargetInstanced m
-- >> false
Nov 27, 2013 4:39 pm
One question
Is this proper way to collect all unique nodes that have assigned modifiers
fn uniqueNodes objs = if objs.count != 0 do
local getNodeByHandle = maxOps.getNodeByHandle, getObjIns = InstanceMgr.GetInstances
local uniqNodes = #(), allINodes = #()
for o in objs where o.modifiers.count != 0 do append allINodes o.inode.handle
while allINodes.count != 0 do
obj = (getNodeByHandle allINodes[allINodes.count])
if isValidNode obj do append uniqNodes obj
if not (refhierarchy.IsRefTargetInstanced obj) then deleteItem allINodes allINodes.count else
getObjIns obj &firstOnly
for o in firstOnly where (idx = findItem allINodes o.inode.handle) != 0 do deleteItem allINodes idx
Nov 27, 2013 4:39 pm
something like this:
for node in <nodes> where InstanceMgr.GetInstances node i == 1 collect node
would be shorter…
1 Reply
Nov 27, 2013 4:39 pm
No. Only unique nodes. I wrote simple tool by request on and i need a simple function. I not want to loop trought all scene objects to delete some modifiers
2 Replies
everything is much easier than you do it…
mapped fn collectModifiers node classes: =
for modi in node.modifiers where classes == unsupplied or finditem classes (classof modi) > 0 collect modi
mapped fn deleteModifiers modi node = (deletemodifier node modi)
mapped fn deleteModifiersByClass node classes: =
deleteModifiers (collectModifiers node classes:classes) node
deleteModifiersByClass (objects as array) classes:#(Edit_Poly)
I do not know why I always try to complicate things
Thank you Denis. I really appreciate your advice.