[Closed] Windows Environment Variables
Hi I am wondering if there is a way to use/store environment variables in maxscript
for instance
exportPath = “c:”
instead can I do something like this
exportPath = “%SystemDrive%”
I checked the help doc but only found stuff about maxes root.
I would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance
Watch “How To … Access Windows System Data” in MAXScript reference and look at the getEnvironmentPaths() function for example of how to access environment variables.
It’s tricky but useful.
Thanks alot man I am new to this and the hour and half search I performed did not bare fruit I thank you!!
If you are using max 9, you could use the maxscript .NET exposure to access system variables (which is really sweeet).
Chris J.
You’re right Chris. I had not thought of the use of the wondeful MAXScript .Net exposure.
It’s a really powerful new feature that any MAXScripter using 3ds max 9 should use!
If you’re using max 9, you can try :
-- Creare Environment class (cannot create an object of this class)
-- This class does not have a constructor (it's a static class)
Environment = dotNetClass "System.Environment"
-- Get "%SystemDrive%" Environment Variable
SystemDrive = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "SystemDrive"
print SystemDrive
It’s as simply as that and looks better than the old code using does command, output to file using “>” etc.