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[Closed] Which end?

When inserting a vertex into an edge using polyop.divideEdge how does it work out which end of the edge to go from?

For example I want to insert a vert 25% along from A to B, how does max know to insert it 25% from A and not 25% from B?

4 Replies

I would presume by the order of the vertices. Poly obects are still tri-mesh’s, and each face is defined by three vertices. The order of these vertices defines the direction of edges, and the direction of the face.


Hey, polyop.getEdgeVerts $ edge will give you an array of the verts in the order of the edge.

jman – that would not work exactly since two faces can share an edge and have opposite directions in the way the verts are laid out.


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Yes, but we already know which edge is being used.

getVertsUsingEdge returns a bitarray which by nature, is ordered from lowest to highest which is why it didn’t work.


Cheers! polyop.getEdgeVerts worked a treat, I was using polyop.getVertsUsingEdge before.