[Closed] Whats the BEST script you ALWAYS use?
yeah so what is the best script you really use all the time?
for me? I guess it is maybe Quantise Vertices by Neil B.
guess there aren't much one-man-army scripts left.
See ya.
Strange that you ask the same question as me ? Because you reply to my thread !
Perharps what I ask you is, what is the script of your dream, the one you want more and each time you know that you don’t have this one ?
EDIT : Well I try to find Quantise Vertices but I haven’t this one. Strange, I use the last blurpack. Where do you find it ?
hey man,
just give me your mail address and I will send you one. Yeah you are right, I opened a simlar thread, sorry about that.
My dream script is CERTAINLY in editable polys and I want perfect blend edges, and join edges. Actual one doesnt work %100. Cool poly scripts, lift this up, rotate it, slide it by normals. I dont know, I should think, but then again if I had one in mind, who will write it?
See ya
DentonVanZan ,
have you try Polymagus ?
it’s work perfectly for blend and and join edges .
hey externe, there you go: I hope it doesnt cause any problem
macroScript VertexPlacer3 category:“Vertex Tools”
buttontext:“Vertex Placer”
tooltip:“Quantise Vertices”
– VertexPlacer.ms
– By Neil Blevins (soulburn@blur.com)
– v 2.00
– v 3.00 modifications by Rico Holmes (reeks@ricoholmes.com)
– Created On: 01/09/01
– Modified On: 15/12/02
– tested using Max 5.0
– Required Files:
– BSLib.ms, http://www.blur.com/blurmaxscripts
– What this script does:
– Allows you to change the x y or z position of a selection of vertexes.
– Revision History:
– v 1.00 Allows you to change the x y or z position of a selection of vertexes
– at the same time.
– v 1.10 Added a bunch of new functions for finding the selected verts in
– a variety of situations. Eventually the script will be able to affect a much
– broader range of mesh types then it does now (Hopefully).
– v 1.20 Now works on Editable Polys with and without modifiers, and editable
– meshes that have modifiers (except Edit Mesh).
– v 1.21 Turns screen redraw off before doing operation.
– v 1.30 Added flatten options that align the vertexes along the desired
– plane at the average height of the vertexes.
– v 1.40 Now works with Editable Splines.
– v 2.00 Added Undo, doesn’t work in all situations, but should in some of them
– at least. Totally redid interface.
– v 3.00 Added Snap, Grid and All Axis functions.
– Known Bugs and Issues:
– This script doesn’t work with edit mesh modifiers.
– Globals
global currently_selected_vertexes_in_editable_poly
global currently_selected_vertexes_in_editable_spline
global place_vertexes_in_editable_poly
global place_vertexes_in_editable_spline
global what_to_do
global kind_of_object
global vpl_start
global vpl_floater
global vpl_rollout
– Includes
include “$scripts\BlurScripts\BSLib.ms”
– Variables
place_x_value = false
place_y_value = false
place_z_value = false
snap_x_value = false
snap_y_value = false
snap_z_value = false
snap_xg_value = false
snap_yg_value = false
snap_zg_value = false
snap_xq_value = false
snap_yq_value = false
snap_zq_value = false
newx = 0
newy = 0
newz = 0
newq = 0
sgridvalue = getGridSpacing()
– Functions
fn currently_selected_vertexes_in_editable_poly ob =
the_verts = #{}
if classof ob == Editable_Poly then the_verts = getvertselection ob
return the_verts
fn currently_selected_vertexes_in_editable_spline ob splin =
the_verts = #{}
if classof ob == line or classof ob == SplineShape then the_verts = getKnotSelection ob splin
return the_verts
fn place_vertexes_in_editable_poly obj1 =
av_x = 0
av_y = 0
av_z = 0
theverts = (currently_selected_vertexes_in_editable_poly obj1)
if flatten_x_value == true or flatten_y_value == true or flatten_z_value == true then
all_x = #()
all_y = #()
all_z = #()
for i in theverts do
append all_x (polyop.getvert obj1 i).x
append all_y (polyop.getvert obj1 i).y
append all_z (polyop.getvert obj1 i).z
av_x = average_minmax_of_array all_x
av_y = average_minmax_of_array all_y
av_z = average_minmax_of_array all_z
for i in theverts do
tempx = (polyop.getvert obj1 i).x
tempy = (polyop.getvert obj1 i).y
tempz = (polyop.getvert obj1 i).z
if place_x_value == true then tempx = newx
if snap_x_value == true and tempx > 0
then tempx = INT((tempx+(newx/2))/newx)*newx
else if snap_x_value == true and tempx < 0 then tempx = INT((tempx-(newx/2))/newx)*newx
if place_y_value == true then tempy = newy
if snap_y_value == true and tempy > 0
then tempy = INT((tempy+(newy/2))/newy)*newy
else if snap_y_value == true and tempy < 0 then tempy = INT((tempy-(newy/2))/newy)*newy
if place_z_value == true then tempz = newz
if snap_z_value == true and tempz > 0
then tempz = INT((tempz+(newz/2))/newz)*newz
else if snap_z_value == true and tempz < 0 then tempz = INT((tempz-(newz/2))/newz)*newz
if snap_xg_value == true and tempx > 0
then tempx = INT((tempx+(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
else if snap_xg_value == true and tempx < 0 then tempx = INT((tempx-(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
if snap_yg_value == true and tempy > 0
then tempy = INT((tempy+(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
else if snap_yg_value == true and tempy < 0 then tempy = INT((tempy-(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
if snap_zg_value == true and tempz > 0
then tempz = INT((tempz+(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
else if snap_zg_value == true and tempz < 0 then tempz = INT((tempz-(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
if snap_xq_value == true and tempx > 0
then tempx = INT((tempx+(newq/2))/newq)*sgridvalue
else if snap_xq_value == true and tempx < 0 then tempx = INT((tempx-(newq/2))/newq)*newq
if snap_yq_value == true and tempy > 0
then tempy = INT((tempy+(newq/2))/newq)*sgridvalue
else if snap_yq_value == true and tempy < 0 then tempy = INT((tempy-(newq/2))/newq)*newq
if snap_zq_value == true and tempz > 0
then tempz = INT((tempz+(newq/2))/newq)*sgridvalue
else if snap_zq_value == true and tempz < 0 then tempz = INT((tempz-(newq/2))/newq)*newq
polyop.setvert obj1 i [tempx,tempy,tempz]
fn place_vertexes_in_editable_spline obj1 =
av_x = 0
av_y = 0
av_z = 0
a = numSplines obj1
for w = 1 to a do
theverts = (currently_selected_vertexes_in_editable_spline obj1 w)
if flatten_x_value == true or flatten_y_value == true or flatten_z_value == true then
all_x = #()
all_y = #()
all_z = #()
for i in theverts do
append all_x (getKnotPoint obj1 w i).x
append all_y (getKnotPoint obj1 w i).y
append all_z (getKnotPoint obj1 w i).z
av_x = average_minmax_of_array all_x
av_y = average_minmax_of_array all_y
av_z = average_minmax_of_array all_z
for i in theverts do
tempx = (getKnotPoint obj1 w i).x
tempy = (getKnotPoint obj1 w i).y
tempz = (getKnotPoint obj1 w i).z
if place_x_value == true then tempx = newx
if snap_x_value == true and tempx > 0
then tempx = INT((tempx+(newx/2))/newx)*newx
else if snap_x_value == true and tempx < 0 then tempx = INT((tempx-(newx/2))/newx)*newx
if place_y_value == true then tempy = newy
if snap_y_value == true and tempy > 0
then tempy = INT((tempy+(newy/2))/newy)*newy
else if snap_y_value == true and tempy < 0 then tempy = INT((tempy-(newy/2))/newy)*newy
if place_z_value == true then tempz = newz
if snap_z_value == true and tempz > 0
then tempz = INT((tempz+(newz/2))/newz)*newz
else if snap_z_value == true and tempz < 0 then tempz = INT((tempz-(newz/2))/newz)*newz
if snap_xg_value == true and tempx > 0
then tempx = INT((tempx+(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
else if snap_xg_value == true and tempx < 0 then tempx = INT((tempx-(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
if snap_yg_value == true and tempy > 0
then tempy = INT((tempy+(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
else if snap_yg_value == true and tempy < 0 then tempy = INT((tempy-(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
if snap_zg_value == true and tempz > 0
then tempz = INT((tempz+(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
else if snap_zg_value == true and tempz < 0 then tempz = INT((tempz-(sgridvalue/2))/sgridvalue)*sgridvalue
if snap_xq_value == true and tempx > 0
then tempx = INT((tempx+(newq/2))/newq)*sgridvalue
else if snap_xq_value == true and tempx < 0 then tempx = INT((tempx-(newq/2))/newq)*newq
if snap_yq_value == true and tempy > 0
then tempy = INT((tempy+(newq/2))/newq)*sgridvalue
else if snap_yq_value == true and tempy < 0 then tempy = INT((tempy-(newq/2))/newq)*newq
if snap_zq_value == true and tempz > 0
then tempz = INT((tempz+(newq/2))/newq)*sgridvalue
else if snap_zq_value == true and tempz < 0 then tempz = INT((tempz-(newq/2))/newq)*newq
setKnotPoint obj1 w i [tempx,tempy,tempz]
updateshape obj1
fn what_to_do the_type obj =
undo “VertexPlacer” on
if the_type == 1 then place_vertexes_in_editable_mesh obj
else if the_type == 2 then place_vertexes_in_editable_mesh_with_modifiers obj
else if the_type == 3 then (MessageBox “This script doesn’t work with edit mesh modifiers.” title:“VertexPlacer”)
else if the_type == 4 then place_vertexes_in_editable_poly obj
else if the_type == 5 then place_vertexes_in_editable_spline obj
else (MessageBox “The object type you have selected cannot be affected by this script” title:“VertexPlacer”)
fn kind_of_object obj =
local obj_type = 0
if obj.modifiers.count == 0 and classof obj == Editable_mesh then obj_type = 1
else if classof obj == Editable_Poly then obj_type = 4
else if obj.modifiers.count != 0 then
if classof (modPanel.getCurrentObject ()) == Editable_mesh then obj_type = 2
else if classof (modPanel.getCurrentObject ()) == Edit_Mesh then obj_type = 3
else if obj.modifiers.count == 0 and classof obj == line or classof obj == SplineShape then obj_type = 5
– Editable Mesh = 1
– Editable Mesh with Modifiers = 2
– Object with Edit Mesh = 3
– Editable Poly = 4
– Editable Spline = 5
what_to_do obj_type obj
fn vpl_start =
if selection.count != 1 then (MessageBox “Please select only one object.” title:“VertexPlacer”)
kind_of_object $
catch ()
– The Script
rollout vpl_rollout “VertexPlacer”
label x_check “X axis” align:#left across:5
button x_grid “Grid” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Grid Snap”
button x_place “Place:” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Place”
button x_snap “Snap:” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Snap”
spinner x_amount “” range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldWidth:60 type:#worldunits offset:[0,0]
label y_check “Y axis” align:#left across:5
button y_grid “Grid” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Grid Snap”
button y_place “Place:” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Place”
button y_snap “Snap:” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Snap”
spinner y_amount “” range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldWidth:60 type:#worldunits offset:[0,0]
label z_check “Z axis” align:#left across:5
button z_grid “Grid” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Grid Snap”
button z_place “Place:” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Place”
button z_snap “Snap:” height:19 width:55 offset:[-20,-2] tooltip:“Snap”
spinner z_amount “” range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldWidth:60 type:#worldunits offset:[0,0]
label GS_check “All Axis:” align:#left across:4
button g_quant “Grid” height:19 width:55 offset:[0,-2] tooltip:“Snap to grid”
button q_quant “Snap:” height:19 width:55 offset:[0,-2] tooltip:“Snap to defined”
spinner q_amount “” range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldWidth:60 type:#worldunits offset:[0,0]
on q_amount changed val do newq = val
on g_quant pressed do
snap_xg_value = true
snap_yg_value = true
snap_zg_value = true
snap_xg_value = false
snap_yg_value = false
snap_zg_value = false
on q_quant pressed do
snap_xq_value = true
snap_yq_value = true
snap_zq_value = true
snap_xq_value = false
snap_yq_value = false
snap_zq_value = false
on x_amount changed val do newx = val
on x_place pressed do
place_x_value = true
place_x_value = false
on x_snap pressed do
snap_x_value = true
snap_x_value = false
on x_grid pressed do
snap_xg_value = true
snap_xg_value = false
on y_amount changed val do newy = val
on y_place pressed do
place_y_value = true
place_y_value = false
on y_snap pressed do
snap_y_value = true
snap_y_value = false
on y_grid pressed do
snap_yg_value = true
snap_yg_value = false
on z_amount changed val do newz = val
on z_place pressed do
place_z_value = true
place_z_value = false
on z_snap pressed do
snap_z_value = true
snap_z_value = false
on z_grid pressed do
snap_zg_value = true
snap_zg_value = false
if vpl_floater != undefined then CloseRolloutFloater vpl_floater
vpl_floater = newRolloutFloater “VertexPlacer v3.00” 420 130
addRollout vpl_rollout vpl_floater
hey falfa, man I tried, but I think it doesnt work well either.
for example select 6 edges and try join or 4 egdes.
and for blend select a closed loop, and your chance to get good results is low.
But it helps alot for sure.
See ya