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[Closed] What wrong with my ProBoolean maxscript?

Here is my proboolean maxscript.

  ProBoolean.CreateBooleanObject  b c 2 0 1; --2 mean Subtraction ,0  mean Reference, 1 mean Retain Original Material

create two boxes: b & c;
cut b with c , but retain the c (do not remove it)
but c disappear after execute it.
And when i look at the config of my ProBoolean,
it said it used “move”, but i want “reference” .
how can i fix it?

4 Replies

it’s one of a stupid bugs in MAX which for any reason max’s developers don’t want to fix over the time of four years. Here is a workaround:

fn getBooleanHWND =
 hwnd = undefined 
 for c in (windows.getChildrenHWND #max) while hwnd == undefined where c[4] == "RollupPanelTitle" and c[5] == "Pick Boolean" do 
  hwnd = UIAccessor.GetParentWindow c[1]
fn setAddMethod method hwnd: update:on =  
 if hwnd == unsupplied do hwnd = getBooleanHWND()
 if hwnd != undefined do
  name = case method of
   0: "Reference"
   1: "Copy"
   2: "Move"  
   3: "Instance"
   default: "Copy"
  if (bt = windows.getChildHWND hwnd name) != undefined do UIAccessor.PressButton bt[1]
  if update do select selection
delete objects
b = box pos:[ 10,10,10] isSelected:on
c = box();
ProBoolean.setoperandA b
select b
if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != #modify do setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#modify
if setAddMethod 0 == ok do
 ProBoolean.SetBoolOp b 2
 ProBoolean.setoperandB b c 0 1
 select b


i´m stuggling with the same problem …

your workaround isnt working for me all i get is a ProBoolean object with standard setting and Box01 (b) as Operand A.

maybe i´m doing something wrong?

my workaround atm is to set up one ProBoolean Object by hand and running my script after that. the settings i´ve done by hand are kept for all other ProBoolean operations made by scripts.

Anyways, I would appreciate a better solution


it works for me in max 2009 and max 2010… does it set add method to “Reference”?

hey Denis,

sry, i forgot to mention: I´m using max 2008.
It works in max 2009, method is set to “Reference”, it does not in max 2010 (method = “Move”)