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[Closed] What's the difference between Scripts and Startup?


I am planning to put my scripts on an external path, so that I can easily access it, and take it with me where ever I want together with my custom UI Scheme.
Then, the idea is to go into Configure System Path and point to my custom path.
The RollupOrder.cfg is the only file I copy manually into the UI folder.

To the questions.
I noticed that .MCR files can be placed directly into “Additional Macros”, …\enu\UI\usermacros\ folder.
But then I read some info saying that the usermacros have files that are autogenerated. However, it did work.

So now I was thinking to put my scripts under “Additional scripts”, …\enu\scripts, and “Additional Startup Scripts”, …\enu\scripts\startup.
Please correct me if I am wrong, that its OK to put the stuff directly under usermacros anyway.

Now I wonder; when do you put stuff under scripts and when under scripts\startup?
And where do you put .MCR files and where do you put .MS files?

Thanks for your input! :wavey:

4 Replies

Now I wonder; when do you put stuff under scripts and when under scripts\startup?
Startup is for scripts that need to be loaded when 3ds Max is started.

And where do you put .MCR files and where do you put .MS files?
Wherever you want. Functionwise it doesn’t really matter in most cases.
For better organization I suggest to put macros in /UI/Macroscripts and scripts in the script folder.

Hallöchen Scrimski,


So under startup, can I add both MS and MSC files? And when can I tell they need to get started during startup? Because I get the feeling that files located under stdscripts (I assume this folder has the same effect, but maybe I shouldn’t mess around with stdscripts at all?) do start on startup as well.

Another question in addition to my first one.

When I modify original MCR files located in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\ui\macroscripts, where shall I put the new ones, so that they override the original files?

I thinks they are located somewhere in the local settings folder on your c: drive. Check the customize/paths menu.
edit: According to your other thread they are saved in C:\Users\WS\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2010 – 64bit\enu\UI\usermacros\