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[Closed] Vray rendering file formats via Maxscript
Feb 02, 2016 10:07 pm
Argh! I’m so confused with the whole bitmap creation/rendering paradigm of Maxscript :banghead:
I’m basically just trying to get my render elements out of Vray as 16-bit tifs via the following test code. The “Testfile.tif” is created via the script and is 16-bit but everything that renders through Backburner is still 8-bit. If anyone give me a hand here, I’d really appreciate it.
SavePath = "C:\\Test"
Filename = SavePath+"\\Testfile.tif"
BackburnerManager = "Server03"
tif.itifio.setAlpha #true
tif.itifio.setType #color16
tif.itifio.setCompression #packbits
TempBitmap = Bitmap 1024 512 filename:Filename
save TempBitmap
close TempBitmap
vr.output_on = true
m = NetRender.GetManager()
m.connect #manual BackburnerManager
allServers = m.getservers()
job = m.newJob()
jobname = getFilenameFile (maxFileName) = jobname
job.suspended = false
job.fromFrame = 1
job.toFrame = 1
job.nthframe = 1
job.outputWidth = 1024
job.outputHeight = 512
job.submit Servers:allServers