[Closed] Viewport drawing methods help
How can i drawing selectable mark on viewport, Like FFDBox controlpoints.
mxs would be something like…
fn draw_markers =
if $selection.count > 0 then
gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1);
currentsel = $selection[1];
npts = numpoints currentsel;
for p = 1 to npts do
pt = getPointPos currentsel p;
gw.Marker pt #hollowBox color:green;
UnRegisterRedrawViewsCallback draw_markers
RegisterRedrawViewsCallback draw_markers
selection would be indicated by changing the color value for the selected (handling how to manage selection is another matter)
Thank you so much Klvnk. Can i select only marker? i want a simple pivot change plugin. i want made selectable marker and click marker change pivot position.
i thinking method is; when goes mouse on marker and click, marker changed pivot poisiton. i cant convert, marker world position to screen position. i want inverse “mapscreentocp” function result.
thank you for sharing miauu. i like your plugin. but i didn’t want plugin. i just want solition method.
i have found this method. but i dont know how can i catch mouse click.
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback func
fn func =
a = (gw.transpoint [0,0,0])
b = mouse.pos
print (distance [a.x,a.y] b)
if (distance [a.x,a.y] b) < 3 then gw.marker [0,0,0] #bigbox color:yellow
else gw.marker [0,0,0] #hollowBox color:red
registerRedrawViewsCallback func
if you want to process only the selection mouse clicks you can set up NodeEventCallback or general selection changed event callback and save last mouse coord position for the later use in viewport drawing callback
i use pickpoint function. last status of my code. thank you all.
if selection.count == 0 then
obj = box width:60 length:20 height:5
select obj
fn func1 =
wr = mapScreenToWorldRay mouse.pos
for loop in obj_bb do
vtm = inverse (getviewtm())
local a = (normalize (loop-vtm.row4))
if (distance wr.dir a) < 0.005 then
gw.marker loop #bigbox color:yellow
if pp != undefined then
print "pivot changed"
$.pivot = loop
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback func1
else gw.marker loop #hollowbox
if selection.count == 0 then
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback func1
if selection.count != 0 then
global obj_bb = nodeLocalBoundingBox $
registerRedrawViewsCallback func1
global pp = undefined
pp = pickpoint()