[Closed] Viewport Grabber
Hey guys. I was looking on the piranha bytes website and found the viewport grabber tool. Awesome, right? Well it seems to not like working with max 6. Is there anything else out there that does the same thing, but is made for max 6? Thanks.
hm, could you tell me why it is not working? because it should work with max6, thats what i am using, too…
hmmm. it seems to not like exporting to quicktime. What format do you export to?
ah, ok, this could be… saving directly to an animation format is not a very good idea, because it slows down extremly the more you capture. i always capture to .jpg files (with 100% quality) and when i’m done i convert it to a divx avi…
normaly, i use adobe premiere for converting, but i guess there are a lot of free tools out there that can do this for you, just do a google…