[Closed] Viewport
Would it be possible to display a viewport inside of a rollout? My goal would be to make a type of “mini map” to display where you are in the scene from a top view.
Can someone tell me if this is possible. I would assume i would have to somehow get my position of the perspective camera. and use that matrix to point either the top view, or a camera the script creates where i am looking.
If not clear, let me know.
Alternatively, you can do what Combustion and Fusion do – display a simplified view where each node is displayed as a rectangle the size of the bounding box and the color of the wireframe, then draw a border for the current view. Should be enough schematics to get an idea where you are and how you are moving. Of course, snapshotting a large version of the top view and drawing in it would be much easier…
actually it doesn’t seem like i can edit/use the view ports with maxscript…so what about taking a small rendering with the topview camera with script, storing it in code…and then moving a square around the rendered image that relates to my position in the scene?
Hi Hobbs
I´ve got and idea reading your post.
You can replicate the viewport on a rollout, but you can´t control the viewport from the rollout.
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback xView
rollout test “Duplicated Viewport”
bitmap xBitmap “” width:350 height:300
createDialog test 370 320fn xView =
test.xBitmap.bitmap = (gw.getViewportDib())
)registerRedrawViewsCallback xView
Thanks…this will help me along my way…I definately have to start reading up on registering and unregistering.
Mabe you can.
make a rollout and a ImgTag
cam1 = camera from top
cam2 = camera from perspective
myTopView = “render scene with cam1”
set tag.bitmap = myTopView
get width and height from you scene. (bouding box)
newPos = (use a function to translate “tag click point” to scene position)
move cam2 to newPos
set one of view windows to top view . when click in the rollout bmp controller . it can select the object for u . maxium any view port will not affect the script . it works .
rollout vptlan "top viewport: [email="http://forums.cgsociety.org/haibo.lan@gmail.com"]haibo.lan@gmail.com[/email]"
-- var define --
local curVpt = viewport.activeviewport
-- interface define --
bitmap bmplan ""
-- fn define --
fn activeTopVpt =
local vptnum = viewport.numviews
for i in 1 to vptnum do
viewport.activeviewport = i
if viewport.gettype() == #view_top do exit
) -- end fn . active top vpt .
fn resumeCurVpt = try( viewport.activeviewport = curVpt )catch()
fn loadVpt =
local thesize = getviewsize()
vptlan.width = thesize.x + 20
vptlan.height = thesize.y + 20
bmplan.width = thesize.x
bmplan.height = thesize.y
bmplan.bitmap = gw.getviewportdib()
on vptlan open do
( activetopvpt() ; loadvpt() ; resumecurvpt() )
on vptlan lbuttonup arg do
activetopvpt() ;loadvpt()
arg -= bmplan.pos
if arg.x >0.0 and arg.x< bmplan.width and \
arg.y>0.0 and arg.y <bmplan.height do
local theRay = mapscreentoworldray arg
local theobjs = for i in geometry where (intersectray i theRay)!=undefined collect i
select theobjs
redrawviews() ; loadvpt() ;resumecurvpt()
createdialog vptlan
Nice…you have all given me alot of ideas to work with…thank you . I’m going to start working on this as soon as i get some free time from work.