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[Closed] Vertex index from vertex positions?
Aug 21, 2019 3:35 pm
Hi there…I am tring to find a way to calculate vertices indexes given their positions?is there any way?thank you!!!
3 Replies
Aug 21, 2019 3:35 pm
maybe you can cache hash values of their positions and then check if hash of such position exists?
the only question is how to minimize hash collisions when different values produce equal hashes
delete objects
t = Teapot()
convertToMesh t
vert_pos_hashes = for i=1 to t.numverts collect
v = GetVert t i
getHashValue ( v.x * 5 + v.y * 3 + v.z ) 0
v102 = GetVert t 102
hashValue = getHashValue ( v102.x * 5 + v102.y * 3 + v102.z ) 0
for i=1 to vert_pos_hashes.count where vert_pos_hashes[i] == hashValue do print i
findItem vert_pos_hashes hashValue
Aug 21, 2019 3:35 pm
working with floats (in your case with three floats (x,y,z)) you should understand that there is some epsilon accuracy. so you have to check not ‘exact’ position but probably ‘close enough’. that means instead of ‘exact’ position check the distance to the position (which must be less than specified).