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[Closed] VFB/Bitmap rescale

I need to be able to rescale the bitmap from a VFB after a test frame has been rendered. We’ll be rendering at anamorphic 1.422 pixel aspect on a job we’re about to start. But we want to be able to view our test renders as square pixels so we can see what the final 1:1 will look like. So far I’ve come up with the following code, but this method doesn’t resample the image so it’s not a good representation of what it will actually look like. Can anyone point me in a direction where I can rescale and resample a bitmap with maxscript?

lastRendered = getlastrenderedimage()
scaledImage = bitmap 1024 576
copy lastRendered scaledImage
display scaledImage



2 Replies

i wrote a function for that:

--rescales bitmap with filtering
 fn rescaleBitmap image sizex sizey=
 	originalBitmap.bitmap = image
 	filteredBitmap = renderMap originalBitmap size:[sizex,sizey] filter:true
 	return filteredBitmap

Thank you. Definitely pushed me in the right direction