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[Closed] Using the for variable to select objects by name

Hi, I’m newbie in Maxscript, and I’m trying to select objects (get the position of it) inside a for loop using their names…

like this:

for b = 1 to 8 do
p = $box[b].pos  (for get the position of box001)

print p


But it doesn’t work… :curious: How can I do it??

3 Replies

Use this:

       for i = 1 to 8 do
	         p = ( execute ("$teapot00"+(i as string)) ).pos
            print p

or this:

       for i = 1 to 8 do
	         p =  (getnodebyname ("teapot00"+(i as string))).pos
	         print p
  	local searchName = "box"
  	local MultipleNodes = for o in objects where matchpattern pattern:("*"+searchName +"*") collect o
  	for obj in MultipleNodes  do print ( + ": " + obj.pos as string)

Basically you change searchName to whatever name you are looking for. The * is a wild card, so in this case you could have something called ‘aboxz’ and it would add it to the list. Remove them to make it more specific.

Hope this helps

Many thanks!