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[Closed] Using scripted plugin as atmospheric gizmo?
Dec 23, 2010 3:54 pm
I’ve created a scripted helper plugin that extends the current BoxGizmo atmospheric gizmo. Functionality is all there, but I am not able to pick the new object as a gizmo in atmospherics, nor can I append it via MaxScript. Does anyone know what I need to do to get max to use the object as a atmo gizmo?
3 Replies
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try to define your plug-in’s class ID starting as #(1002641668, *******).
it’s just my guessing.
[left][font=Verdana]SphereGizmo – classID: #(1002641668, 1742163655)[/font]
[left][font=Verdana]CylGizmo – classID: #(1002641668, 1742163656)[/font]
[font=Verdana]BoxGizmo – classID: #(1002641668, 1742163657)
Dec 23, 2010 3:54 pm
I have not directly tried but I don’t believe that it can be done. The plugin access is limited with mxs.