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[Closed] Using CurveControl in scripted plugin?


I’m having a lot of trouble trying to define a plugin parameter that stores an array of curveControl points. My goal is to save the curvepoint values within the plugin parameter data, so that the curve doesn’t reset.

I have no idea of how to achieve this, since documentation/web is a bit limited on this topic. I would be really happy if someone could give me a hint.

Plugin helper TestHelper
name: "TestHelper"
Classid: #(0x2de832, 0x1fa4d512)
category: "Test"
	parameters paramNodeProperties rollout:rolloutNodeProperties
		Helper_Radius type:#float ui:spn_Helper_Radius default:0.0
		TwistCurvePoints type:#???? ui:test_curve tabSizeVariable:true
	rollout rolloutNodeProperties "Helper Parameters" width:168 height:48
		Label lbl_Helper_Radius "Radius:" pos:[16,16] width:80 height:16
		Spinner spn_Helper_Radius "" pos:[96,16] width:56 height:16 range:[0,1e+009,0]		
		CurveControl test_curve "" height:200 width:140 numCurves:1 visible:true x_range:[0,100] y_range:[-100,100] scrollValues:[0,100] commandMode:#move_xy asPopup:false zoomValues:[1,1]

	on getDisplayMesh do
		mesh = (createInstance sphere radius:(Helper_Radius*2.5) segs:4).mesh
	tool create
		on mousePoint click do
			case click of
				1:(nodeTM.translation = gridPoint)
		on mouseMove click do
			case click of
				2: (Helper_Radius = abs gridDist.x*2)