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[Closed] Use pattern with specific string
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Oct 29, 2018 2:32 pm
this is almost everything you need and example that shows the difference:
fn CreateFileOpsAssembly =
source = ""
source += "using System;\n"
source += "using System.Collections.Generic;\n"
source += "using System.Text;\n"
source += "using System.Text.RegularExpressions;\n"
source += "using System.IO;\n"
source += "namespace FileOps\n"
source += "{\n"
source += " public class Access\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " private static void getFilesRecursive(string path, string searchPattern, ref List<string> files)\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " try\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " foreach (string p in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) getFilesRecursive(p, searchPattern, ref files);\n"
source += " foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern)) files.Add(file);\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " catch { }\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " public static List<string> GetFilesRecursive(string path, string searchPattern)\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " List<string> files = new List<string>();\n"
source += " getFilesRecursive(path, searchPattern, ref files);\n"
source += " return files;\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " private static string WildCardToRegular(string value)\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " return \"^\" + Regex.Escape(value).Replace(\"\\\\?\", \".\").Replace(\"\\\\*\", \".*\") + \"$\";\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " public static List<string> FindFilesInList(List<string> files, string searchWildcard)\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " List<string> match = new List<string>();\n"
source += " Regex regex = new Regex(WildCardToRegular(searchWildcard), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);\n"
source += "\n"
source += " foreach (var file in files) if (regex.IsMatch(file) == true) match.Add(file);\n"
source += " return match;\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " }\n"
source += "}\n"
csharpProvider = dotnetobject "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider"
compilerParams = dotnetobject "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters"
compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange #("System.dll")
compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = on
compilerResults = csharpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource compilerParams #(source)
assembly = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly
assembly.CreateInstance "FileOps.Access"
global FileOps = CreateFileOpsAssembly()
h0 = heapfree
t1 = timestamp()
bins = FileOps.GetFilesRecursive @"c:\windows" "*.bin"
t2 = timestamp()
dlls = FileOps.GetFilesRecursive @"c:\windows" "*.dll"
t3 = timestamp()
pngs = FileOps.GetFilesRecursive @"c:\windows" "*.png"
t4 = timestamp()
format "time:% (%, %, %) heap:%\n" (t4 - t1) (t2 - t1) (t3 - t2) (t4 - t3) (h0 - heapfree)
h0 = heapfree
t1 = timestamp()
alls = FileOps.GetFilesRecursive @"c:\windows" "*"
t2 = timestamp()
bins = FileOps.FindFilesInList alls "*.bin"
t3 = timestamp()
dlls = FileOps.FindFilesInList alls "*.dll"
t4 = timestamp()
pngs = FileOps.FindFilesInList alls "*.png"
t5 = timestamp()
format "time:% (%, %, %, %) heap:%\n" (t5 - t1) (t2 - t1) (t3 - t2) (t4 - t3) (t5 - t4) (h0 - heapfree)
if you know exact path to the files everything can be much faster
Oct 29, 2018 2:32 pm
we can split path and filename and search in filename only. there are many ways to optimize the algorithm. but the idea is the same.
Oct 29, 2018 2:32 pm
thank you very much denis! that’s heavy but it’s something from which I can learn more
Oct 29, 2018 2:32 pm
i thought a little more… all is easier and faster:
fn CreateFileOpsAssembly =
source = ""
source += "using System;\n"
source += "using System.Collections.Generic;\n"
source += "using System.Text;\n"
source += "using System.Text.RegularExpressions;\n"
source += "using System.IO;\n"
source += "namespace FileOps\n"
source += "{\n"
source += " public class Access\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " private static void getFilesRecursive(string path, string searchPattern, ref List<string> files)\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " try\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " foreach (var sub in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) getFilesRecursive(sub, searchPattern, ref files);\n"
source += " foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern)) files.Add(file);\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " catch { }\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " public static List<string> GetFilesRecursive(string path, string searchPattern)\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " List<string> files = new List<string>();\n"
source += " getFilesRecursive(path, searchPattern, ref files);\n"
source += " return files;\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " public static List<string> FindEndsWith(List<string> files, string filename)\n"
source += " {\n"
source += " filename = filename.ToLower();\n"
source += " List<string> match = new List<string>();\n"
source += " foreach (var file in files) if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(filename)) match.Add(file);\n"
source += " return match;\n"
source += " }\n"
source += " }\n"
source += "}\n"
csharpProvider = dotnetobject "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider"
compilerParams = dotnetobject "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters"
compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange #("System.dll")
compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = on
compilerResults = csharpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource compilerParams #(source)
assembly = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly
assembly.CreateInstance "FileOps.Access"
global FileOps = CreateFileOpsAssembly()
h0 = heapfree
t1 = timestamp()
alls = FileOps.GetFilesRecursive @"c:\windows" "*"
t2 = timestamp()
bins = FileOps.FindEndsWith alls ".bin"
t3 = timestamp()
dlls = FileOps.FindEndsWith alls ".dll"
t4 = timestamp()
pngs = FileOps.FindEndsWith alls ".png"
t5 = timestamp()
format "time:% (%, %, %, %) heap:%\n" (t5 - t1) (t2 - t1) (t3 - t2) (t4 - t3) (t5 - t4) (h0 - heapfree)
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