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[Closed] Use Soft Selection with Edit_Poly modifier?
Jun 06, 2019 12:55 pm
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out.
For anyone who wants to use soft selection on Edit_Poly modifier later, here are the basic steps needed to do it:
- Get the selected verts
- With Soft selection enabled and ‘show end result’ off, get the verts affected by soft selection via the trimesh. (meshop.getVDataValue)
- figure out where you want ALL the verts (selected and soft) to go (assuming we weren’t using soft selection).
- Move the selected verts to their expected poitions, and do the same to the ‘soft’ verts but multiply their offset from their original position by their weight.
That’s it. All soft selection really does in this instance is assign weight values so you know which verts to move and by how much, it doesn’t directly move any verts by itself. This method should also work fine on things other then Edit_Poly modifiers.
1 Reply
Jun 06, 2019 12:55 pm
does it work for you?
delete objects
with redraw off
t = Teapot isSelected:true
rotate t (EulerAngles 33 44 66)
scale t [1.5,1.5,1.5]
ep = EditPolyMod()
addModifier t ep
max modify mode
subObjectLevel = 1
ep.Select #Vertex #{36..50}
ep.useSoftSel = true
ep.falloff = 25
ep.SetOperation #Transform
ep.MoveSelection [0,0,10] parent:t.transform axis:t.transform
ep.Commit ()