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[Closed] Use Environment Background
May 23, 2011 3:58 pm
I’m looking for a way to turn on/off “Use Environment Background” chekbox using max script in Viewport Background dialog
I searched in maxscript help:banghead: but didn’t found how to make this
9 Replies
2 Replies
it’s different.
as i understand it’s about [b][i]max background display toggle – Use Environment Background
[/i][/b]i have no idea how to use this flag. it might be obsolete.
May 23, 2011 3:58 pm
struct setEnvBgStr
fn setCheckBoxState hwnd state =
local BN_CLICKED =0
local BM_SETCHECK = 241
local WM_COMMAND = 273
local parent = UIAccessor.getParentWindow hwnd
local id = UIAccessor.getWindowResourceID hwnd
windows.sendMessage hwnd BM_SETCHECK (if state then 1 else 0) 0
windows.sendMessage parent WM_COMMAND ((bit.shift BN_CLICKED 16) + id) hwnd
fn getButtonHwnd hnd =
for i in (windows.getChildrenHWND hnd) where matchPattern i[5] pattern:"use env*" do return i[1]
fn UseEnvBGOn =
local hnd = dialogmonitorops.getwindowhandle()
setEnvBgStr.setCheckBoxState (setEnvBgStr.getButtonHwnd hnd) on
uiaccessor.pressButtonByName hnd "OK"
fn UseEnvBGOff =
local hnd = dialogmonitorops.getwindowhandle()
setEnvBgStr.setCheckBoxState (setEnvBgStr.getButtonHwnd hnd) off
uiaccessor.pressButtonByName hnd "OK"
fn useEnvBG state =
if environmentMap!=undefined do
DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#useEnvBG
DialogMonitorOPS.enabled = off
DialogMonitorOPS.enabled = on
DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification (if state then setEnvBgStr.useEnvBGOn else setEnvBgStr.useEnvBgOff) id:#useEnvBG
max background
DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#useEnvBG
DialogMonitorOPS.enabled = off
setEnvBgStr.useEnvBG on
--setEnvBgStr.useEnvBG off
well this was fun
May 23, 2011 3:58 pm
This is perfect, thanks a lot I don’t know how you did it but my humblest appreciation Lo
May 23, 2011 3:58 pm
A word of warning:
When using DialogMonitorOPS, under some versions of max/windows, 3dsmax will give an error message when you close it (It will not crash unexpectedly or anything, but when you close it normally, it will give a message as though it had crashed).