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[Closed] Update SimpleObject on time change

I’ve built a simpleobject that creates a mesh from a PFlow object I tell it to look at.
However, I don’t know how to update this mesh when the time changes.

Is this possible or should I should be tackling this problem from a different angle?


4 Replies

OK – I’ve forced an update by adding an animatable property, and assigning an expression controller. Is this the way to go!?

Now I’m remembering what a faff scripted plugins are.

Whenever I go to my modify panel, max crashes. Is this me being a bit stoopid, or is this scripted plugins being scripted plugins?

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You must be doing something wrong, Scripted Plugins are rather stable for me.
Btw, the animatable parameter is what I would have suggested – in my DIMaster script, I actually add and remove keys to/from a dummy track to enable and disable the updating of the mesh on time changes.
Haven’t seen any crashes, so there must be something wrong with your code.

Thanks Bobo,
Well, this is a “just for fun” script, but I’ll check your script out and take inspiration!