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[Closed] Unhide by layer

Hi guys, I thought I’d already posted this here but I guess I did not… It’s something quite simple but at least for me it came quite handy. Once in a while I pick this up and add some new stuff, but don’t wait for me on that Cheers and I hope this is of use to some of you.

macroScript UnhideObjectbyLayer
category:"K Scripts"
	dotNet.loadAssembly "MaxCustomControls.dll"
	local hForm = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.MaxForm"
	hForm.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 250 400
	hForm.Text = "Unhide by Layer"
	hForm.ShowInTaskbar = False
	local lstView = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListView"
	lstView.Dock = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle").Fill
	lstView.View= (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.View").Details
	lstView.MultiSelect = False
	lstView.FullRowSelect = True
	lstView.Sorting = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder").Ascending
	lstView.Columns.Add "Layers" 140
	lstView.Columns.Add "Active" 50
	local mPanel = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.Panel"
	mPanel.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 150 40
	mPanel.Dock = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle").Bottom
	local btnUnhide = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Button"
	btnUnhide.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 60 22
	btnUnhide.Location = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" ((hForm.Size.Width/2)-30) 10
	btnUnhide.Text = "Unhide"
	local lstViewItems=#()
	for i=0 to LayerManager.count-1 do
		layer=LayerManager.getLayer i	
		append lstViewItems

	for i=1 to lstViewItems.count do
		cLayer=LayerManager.getLayer (i-1)
		if cLayer==true then lstViewItems[i]= dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"  #(lstViewItems[i], "X")
		else lstViewItems[i]= dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"  #(lstViewItems[i], "-")
	fn btnUnhide_Click sender args =
		if lstView.SelectedItems.Count!=0 then
			for i=0 to LayerManager.count-1 do
				layer=layerManager.getLayer i
				if layer_name==lstView.SelectedItems.Item[0].Text then exit
			layer.nodes &arr_nodes
			for i in arr_nodes do unhide i
	fn hForm_SizeChanged sender args = 
		btnUnhide.Location = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" ((hForm.Size.Width/2)-30) 10
	dotnet.addEventHandler btnUnhide "Click" btnUnhide_Click
	dotnet.addEventHandler hForm "SizeChanged" hForm_SizeChanged
	lstView.Items.AddRange lstViewItems
	mPanel.Controls.Add btnUnhide
	hform.Controls.Add lstView
	hform.Controls.Add mPanel

8 Replies

Artur, thanks for sharing!
Can I ask why you would use a maxForm object over a normal dotnet form. And what more objects do live in the MaxCustomControls?


you can always check what an assembly exposes using the getExportedTypes() method.

maxcc = dotNet.loadAssembly "MaxCustomControls.dll"
print (maxcc.GetExportedTypes())


Excellent! I need to do even more dotnet reading I see
I didn’t find this method in the mxs helpfile though… hmmm.


it’s a method of the .NET assembly loaded, so not native to MaxScript itself. When you load the assembly, assign it to a variable, then call the MaxScript showProperties() and showMethods() on it; getExportedTypes() is one of the methods listed there


I tried that, but got back red lettered errors… trying it again now after a restart it works, probably did something wrong, which is totally plausible


Hi Artur, thanks for sharing.

Johan, these are all listed in the dotnet SDK help file also if you needed some bedtime reading.

Can I ask why you would use a maxForm object over a normal dotnet form. And what more objects do live in the MaxCustomControls?

best thing about Maxform is that it will be the correct interface color, bypassing the need for getting the max UI color and passing that to a dotnet backcolor. There is also a maxusercontrol too, presumably to use when inheriting a custom control.

Hey, thanks!
It seems that the guys already answered your question (yes I do have a break to have lunch now and then :P) either way, I started using MaxForm because of the problems with the focus on textboxes and I’ve never looked back although in some cases I really don’t like the idea of having Max UI colors on the form and controls because on some controls it doesnt work that good, like Tabs for instance, it looks weird, at least to me who use the dark ui scheme. Cheers!!!

I noticed you linked to me artur from your site, many thanks!