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[Closed] Unable to download xxx.php from

Unable to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found.Please try again later.

I embed my site with IE(very old browser that I know,but I have to run some codes with it.) via maxscript,I got this message sometimes when loading my site via webbrowser,it works fine most of the time,but few times cause this issue,after it shows,next time when I debug it,the site may works,due to this reason,I don’t know where is wrong and how to fix it,I know it must caused by the connection of mysite’s server.
Does any one has any suggestion to fix it?Just avoid this issue to display,works in silence mode as well.

	my_site_url="" --here is my site url
	test_embed= dotNetObject "" pos:[0,0] 
	test_embed.url = dotNetObject "System.Uri" my_site_url
	hForm = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Form" 
	test_embed.bounds=dotNetObject "system.drawing.rectangle" 0 0 640 480
	hForm.controls.add test_embed