[Closed] UVW Coordinates to Bitmap Coordinates & back
Does anybody know how to convert uvw coordinates to bitmap coordinates (and back if possible)? This is kinda killin me
to convert from uvw space to bitmap space you first need to ignore the ‘w’ axis since uvw space is 3D and bitmap space 2D.
so you need a conversion function f : [0,1]x[0,1] -> [0,W]x[0,H] where ‘W’ is the width of the bitmap in pixels and ‘H’ is the height in pixels. remember that the [0,0] in uv space corresponds to the lower left side of the image but the [0,0] in bitmap space is the upper left corner. so we get:
f(u,v) = (u*W, (1-v)*H)
now we still need to take care of the tileability of bitmaps. For instance uv coordinates [0.1,0] and [1.1,0] corresponds to the same bitmap pixel.
We modify our function using the mod function as follows:
f(u,v) = ((mod u 1)*W, (mod (1 - v) 1)*H)
now to invert the function f we need a function f^-1 : [0,W]x[0,H] -> [0,1]x[0,1]
we can ignore the 2nd version of f and invert the 1st version without the mod, so:
f^-1(x,y) = (x/W,1 - y/H)
hope this helps a bit
Thanks a lot man! I’m going to give it another try Ive been at this on and off for months now and just am having a hard time grasping the math to convert between the 3d points(verts or facecenters) to bitmap and back.
Here is what I have as of now that i am calling a partial success. I’m only getting Red Pixel colors back even though i have Red, Green, and blue available in my bitmap. I think I’m collecting the texture vert color’s wrong or converting the uvw coords to bitmap coords wrong.
-- loop through all mesh vertx
-- get connected faces
-- loop through all connected faces and get coresponding texture faces
-- get mapverts from texture faces
-- find vert indicies in map verts that coresponds to current master loop vertex
--get coords of of texture verts by using collected indicies from above
--convert coords of vertex into bitmap coords
--get pixel color at that coordinate
--if blue collect master loop vertex integer into array
--Variable Declerations
theMesh = $
MapChannel = 1
theTextureMap = renderMap theMesh.material.diffuseMap size:[subdivs,subdivs] filter:on display:false
TargetFacesTexVerts= #()
TargetFacesTexVertCoords = #()
VertIndicies = #()
TexVertColors = #()
BlueVerts = #()
GreenVerts = #()
RedVerts = #()
-- Loop through all mesh verts
for v = 1 to theMesh.numverts do
--Get corresponding shared faces
TargetFaces = polyop.getFacesUsingVert theMesh v as array --get faces that reference the current vertex
-- get corresponding face verts then get corresponding texture vert indecies
for f = 1 to TargetFaces.count do
FaceVerts = polyop.getFaceVerts theMesh TargetFaces[f] -- get mesh face verts
append VertIndicies (finditem FaceVerts v) -- get face index corresponding to primary vert index.
FaceTexVerts = polyOp.getMapface theMesh MapChannel f -- get single texture face verts
append TargetFacesTexVerts FaceTexVerts
-- Get coordinates of each respective vertex
for c = 1 to TargetFacesTexVerts.count do
append TargetFacesTexVertCoords (polyop.getmapvert theMesh MapChannel TargetFacesTexVerts[C][VertIndicies[C]])
for b = 1 to TargetFacesTexVertCoords.count do
--convert vertex coords to bitmap coords
--textureCoords = [ (uvCoords.x)*(thisTexture.width-1) , thisTexture.height-(uvCoords.y)*(thisTexture.height-1) ]
BitmapCoords = [ (TargetFacesTexVertCoords[b][1])*(theTextureMap.width-1) , theTextureMap.height-(TargetFacesTexVertCoords[b][2])*(theTextureMap.height-1) ]
--print Bitmapcoords
append TexVertColors (getPixels theTextureMap BitmapCoords 1)--[1]
--print TexVertColors
--Average Vertex Color
Avg = TexVertColors[1][1]
for A = 2 to TexVertColors.count do
Avg = Avg + TexVertColors[A][1] as point3
--Get average vert color from all texture vert colors collected
AverageColor = (avg / TexVertColors.count) as point3
--Look for Primarily blue texture verts
if AverageColor[3] > AverageColor[1] and AverageColor[3] > AverageColor[2]
append BlueVerts v
Print ("BlueVerts: " + BlueVerts[v] as string)
if AverageColor[2] > AverageColor[1] and AverageColor[2] > AverageColor[3]
append GreenVerts v
Print ( "Green: " + GreenVerts[v] as string)
if AverageColor[1] > AverageColor[2] and AverageColor[1] > AverageColor[3]
append RedVerts v
Print ("Red: " + RedVerts[v] as string)
-- reset array's for next loop
TargetFacesTexVerts= #()
TargetFacesTexVertCoords = #()
VertIndicies = #()
TexVertColors = #()