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[Closed] UV script, porting from max2008 to max2009
Jul 29, 2008 7:47 pm
Hi everyone,
I wrote this little script which selects my uv polygons my material ID and then shifts them 1 unit along the U. It work fine in max2008 but when I ran it in max2009, nothing happened. Have you got any idea why it won’t work there?
rollout shuv "ShiftUVs" width:160 height:80
button btn_shift "Shift UVs" pos:[8,8] width:136 height:24
button btn_pack "Pack UVs" pos:[8,34] width:136 height:24
spinner spn_MatIDs "" pos:[72,60] width:72 height:16 scale:1
on btn_shift pressed do
if selection.count != 0 then
addmodifier $ (unwrap_uvw())
for i = 1 to spn_MatIDs.value do
$.modifiers[1].unwrap2.selectByMatID i
$.modifiers[1].unwrap2.moveSelected [(i-1),0,0]
else messagebox "Select an object, punk!" title:"ERROR"
on btn_pack pressed do
if selection.count != 0 then
addmodifier $ (unwrap_uvw())
for i = 1 to spn_MatIDs.value do
$.modifiers[1].unwrap2.selectByMatID i
$.modifiers[1].unwrap2.moveSelected [-(i-1),0,0]
else messagebox "Select an object, punk!" title:"ERROR"
Thank you
1 Reply
Jul 29, 2008 7:47 pm
Hmm, I just included this line and it worked
$.modifiers[1].unwrap2.setTVSubObjectMode 3