[Closed] UI loading….lag in max
I have a dialog that uses a round 2 dozen icons all 24x24px or smaller.
They are for the image buttons and they seem to really lag up max when I create the dialog.
I was wondering if anyone knew the most efficient way to go about creating this rollout.
Should I use dot net image buttons instead? Along with 64bit image processing?
for me the lag means a time interval between the moment of the calling and the fact of the actual showing of a tool’s dialog.
i was asking how long it takes in your case… capiche?
I’ll post the script tomorrow and then you can heck it out.
I’ll post in the early morning.
Quick reply…64bit
That is not the purpose of Pete’s tool. It is to convert images to text and vice versa… if anything, it will make your loading much slower.
Please post your code.
be patient or read the thread more carefully (“I’ll post the script tomorrow and then you can heck it out. I’ll post in the early morning.”)
It takes around 1.112 seconds and varies between that and 2.1 seconds.
I’ve attached the image and the script.
You will have to redirect the image path.
Let me know your thoughts please.
instead of
local imgCurveTypes = @"C:\blablabla\curveTypes2.bmp"
local imgCurveType = openBitmap @"C:\blablabla\curveTypes2.bmp"
what’s happening is that each button is opening the bitmap again and again because you are supplying it with a filename, not a bitmap value.
Though to be honest, even before that change it only took 120ms for me from a local path and 500ms from a network path.
You may have either a very slow network or a very slow machine.
Thank you very much.
I was unaware that it was loading that image for each button. I thought that max was quicker than that.
Thank you very much for your help.