[Closed] Txt Database OR Excel Database?
Hello friends!
I want to make a question about a database that i have to build.
I have to create a database that have to be consistent and support a lot of information.
I know to write information normaly in an txt file, with the filestream values. But i think that it will break with a lot of data.
Someone of you can give me a better way?
I think that 3d max can write in other databases like Sql server and so on… But i think that excel maybe is more easy and can do the job.
Thanks a lot for attention!
It depends on what the data is like and how it will be used.
If you do need a database, it’s probably best to use an actual database.
I cannot comment on how easy or hard it is to connect max to excel and read/write excel data via maxscript, it’s not something i’ve tried, but I can attest that connecting max to a MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite database is not rocket science. Sure, there’s a slight learning curve when setting up the server and how your scripts will interface with it, also learning SQL and a bit of .NET if you’ve not touched it before. It may take a week or two of learning if you’ve never dealt with databases before, but eventually it pays off.
Dealing with Excel would lead you to deal with .Net wich is half of the way to deal with a real database server.
On the other hand if you want to stick with text file I would recommend to work with csv files rather than texts. At least you will be able to open the files with Excel.
Personnaly I use the npgsql dll to talk with my PostgreSQL database, but you can create you’re own wrapper.
Thank you for the answer!
i was trying to make with a txt file for test, but i notice that i can´t delete data of a single line with streamvalues of external file with maxscript.
I researched about it and i found solutions with dotnet, like save all database in mem and load it in another file. i think it is so dangerous…
i dont know what is better to do, i will try someting with dotnet.
Someone of you have another way to do this task? (delete a singleline in a txt db)
thank you again!
Dealing with Excel would lead you to deal with .Net wich is half of the way to deal with a real database server.
On the other hand if you want to stick with text file I would recommend to work with csv files rather than texts. At least you will be able to open the files with Excel.
Personnaly I use the npgsql dll to talk with my PostgreSQL database, but you can create you’re own wrapper.
How can i format my text file in a csv file?
CSV is a text format for data tables.
you just use commas to separate items that would be a single cell in excel
lines form a single row , the commas indicate coumns
name, rank , serial number
Kirk, Captain, 123
Spock, Science Officer, 456
Scotty, Engineer, 789
CSV is a text format for data tables.
you just use commas to separate items that would be a single cell in excel
lines form a single row , the commas indicate coumns
name, rank , serial number
Kirk, Captain, 123
Spock, Science Officer, 456
Scotty, Engineer, 789
thank you man, you shot the problem!