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[Closed] Trouble with event handler execute string

Hi. I am having trouble with the button event handler part of this code. It yields either a “expected while’ or ‘expected factor’, or it throws a ’ no get function for undefined’, no matter what combination I use of string, do loop, etc… Any help would be much appreciated,

ctrlcentre = circle radius:5
rotate ctrlcentre (angleaxis -91 [1,0,0])
morphs_used =#("up","down","turnaround")
addmodifier ctrlcentre (EmptyModifier ())
attdeff = ""
attStr = ""
	attStr += "attdef = attributes facialctrl
	attStr += "(
attStr += " parameters facialctrl rollout:Weights 
attStr += " (
for i = 1 to morphs_used.count do 
attStr += " " + morphs_used[i] + " type:#float ui: "+ morphs_used[i] as string+"Sl 
attStr += " )
attStr += "rollout Weights \"Weights\" 
attStr += "("
attStr += " local range=[-2.00,2.00,1.00]
attStr += "group \"Upper Left Position\" (
for j = 1 to morphs_used.count do (
attStr += " slider "+ morphs_used[j] + "Sl \""+ morphs_used[j] + "\" range:range ; 
attStr += ")
attStr += "group \"Upper Right Position\" (
attStr += "button resetAll \"Reset All\"	
attStr += "on resetAll pressed " do ( for k = 1 to morphs_used.count do ( 
attStr+="	ctrlcentre.modifiers[#Attribute_Holder].custAttributes[1][k].value = 1.0
" ; 
		 attStr += " )
	 attStr += " )"
attdeff = execute attStr
custAttributes.add ctrlcentre.modifiers[1] attdeff
6 Replies

one bug is here for sure:

attStr += "on resetAll pressed " do ( for k = 1 to morphs_used.count do (

AH…do you have any idea how it should go Denis?

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

yes, i do… but this is your code, your idea, your challenge… and i don’t want to rob you

Yes, please rob me…I’m ready to be robbed of my challenge. Ive already been robbed of time trying to figure the thing out…

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

delete objects
ctrlcentre = circle radius:5
morphs_used =#("up","down","turnaround")
attStr = ""
addmodifier ctrlcentre (EmptyModifier ())
	attStr += "attdef = attributes facialctrl
	attStr += "(
	attStr += "	parameters facialctrl rollout:Weights
	attStr += "	(
	for k = 1 to morphs_used.count do 
		attStr += "		" + morphs_used[k] + " type:#float ui:" + morphs_used[k] as string + "Sl
	attStr += "	)
	attStr += "	rollout Weights \"Weights\"
	attStr += "	(
	attStr += "		local range = [-2,2,1]
	attStr += "		group \"Upper Left Position\"
	attStr += "		(
	for k = 1 to morphs_used.count do 
		attStr += " 			slider " + morphs_used[k] + "Sl \""+ morphs_used[k] + "\" range:range
	attStr += "		)
	attStr += "		group \"Upper Right Position\"
	attStr += "		(
	attStr += "		)
	attStr += "		button resetAll \"Reset All\"	
	attStr += "		on resetAll pressed do
	attStr += "		(
	for k = 1 to morphs_used.count do 
		attStr+="			" + morphs_used[k] + " = 1
	attStr += "		)
	attStr += "	)
	attStr += ")"
format "%
" attStr

attdeff = execute attStr
custAttributes.add ctrlcentre.modifiers[1] attdeff

next time at least format your code for easy reading…

Thank you Denis…! You have my vote for forum attendee of he year